
Six years ago, when Instagram first started to become popular, many people weren’t sure what to make of it. Many thought it was just a way to share mundane photos of their everyday lives. But over the past six years, Instagram has become much more than that. It’s now one of the most popular social media platforms and can be used for more than just sharing photos.

If you need to get more familiar with all that Instagram has to offer, here are seven tips to help you get started in 2024.

Follow People to See Posts

The first tip on this list for anyone using Instagram in 2024 would be to follow people to see posts. While many people don’t have any problem with keeping their profile public on Instagram, some people do choose to have a bit more privacy and set their profile to private.

If you run into an account that has set its profile to private, you will have to follow them to see their posts. However, with that said, there are other ways that you can view posts from private accounts. There are top rated private Instagram viewers listed here that allow you to view private Instagram content, but these are paid options if you are interested.

Use Hashtags When Posting


The next tip on this list for anyone using Instagram in 2024 and looking to grow their followers would be to use hashtags when posting. Hashtags are basically words, phrases or numbers that follow the pound symbol and are used to group content and make it easier for users to find.

In other words, if you are looking to grow, you should use hashtags since they allow you to target a specific audience that would be interested in the content you create. That said, you should only use hashtags relevant to the content you are posting since using irrelevant hashtags won’t lead to growth.

The Search and Explore Function

Another tip for someone using Instagram in 2024 would be to use the search and explore function to find the content you will enjoy. The great thing about the search and explore function is that you can search for specific hashtags, which makes finding content easier.

One thing you should keep in mind about the search and explore function is that Instagram’s algorithm will learn the content you enjoy viewing using this function. Once you view a specific type of content enough times, it will show you that content without you needing to search for it.

Choose Compelling Captions


A picture is worth a thousand words, but the right caption can make it worth even more. On Instagram, a good caption can mean the difference between getting lost in the scroll and becoming a viral sensation. Of course, coming up with the perfect caption is easier said than done. The best captions are both catchy and informative, giving followers a glimpse into your life without giving too much away.

Sometimes, all it takes is a clever pun or a well-placed emoji to get the job done. Other times, you may need to dig deeper, using your caption as an opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings on a particular subject. Whatever approach you take, remember that choosing a compelling caption is an essential part of creating successful Instagram posts.

Engagement is Important for Growth

Of all the tips on this list for Instagram users in 2024, especially those looking to grow their accounts, the most important would be to remember that engagement is one of the most important metrics for growth on the platform. Why? Because engagement is a signal to Instagram that the content that is being created by an account is interesting or entertaining.

Of course, there are quite a few ways to promote engagement, such as using call-to-action phrases in your post description or even within the content, such as saying, “comment if you want part 2.” You can also use Instagram Stories to ask your followers questions.

Post Niche Content


Finally, the last tip on this list for anyone using Instagram in 2024 and looking to gain more followers would be to post niche content. In case you are not aware, there are many different niches on Instagram, such as sports, health and fitness, parenting, pets, and more. These niches exist because people like specific content.

If you want to grow on Instagram, you will need to target a specific audience, and the best way to do that would be to post within a niche. What would be even more helpful is choosing a sub-niche within a niche since this will help you target an audience even more.

Explore Different Content Formats

And while it is primarily known as a place to share photos and videos, there are actually a variety of different content formats that users can post on Instagram. In addition to traditional photos and videos, users can also share Stories, which are short, ephemeral videos that disappear after 24 hours.

And for businesses and brands, Instagram offers a powerful tool called Instagram Reels, which allows users to create 15-second videos that can be edited with special effects and creative filters. With so many different content formats to choose from, Instagram provides a wealth of possibilities for both users and businesses alike.

Get more followers

Getting Instagram followers is one way to increase your follower count rapidly. There are several benefits to doing so. Firstly, having a large number of followers makes your account appear more popular and credible. When potential followers see that you have a significant following, they’re more likely to follow you too.

Additionally, having a large following can help boost your engagement rates. When you post content on Instagram, it’s more likely to be seen by more people if you have a larger following. This means that you’ll get more likes, comments, and shares on your posts.

Building an organic following on Instagram takes time and effort. By gaining followers, you can skip the process of building your audience from scratch and jump straight into creating content that resonates with them

Buying Instagram followers is a fairly simple process, but it’s important to approach it with caution.

Research and choose a reputable provider like Gatherxp. There are many websites and services that offer Instagram followers for sale, but not all of them are trustworthy or legitimate. Do your research and choose a provider that has good reviews and a solid reputation.

Select a package: Most providers offer different packages with varying numbers of followers at different prices. Choose the package that best fits your needs and budget.

Provide your Instagram username: Once you’ve selected your package, you’ll need to provide your Instagram username so that the provider can deliver the followers to your account.

Make payment: Pay for the package using the payment method provided by the provider. Be wary of providers that ask for sensitive information such as your password or credit card details.

Receive your followers: After payment is processed, the provider will begin delivering the purchased followers to your account within a specified timeframe.

It’s important to note that while buying Instagram followers may seem like an easy solution for growing your following quickly, it’s not without risks. Purchasing fake followers can harm your credibility on social media and could result in penalties from Instagram such as account suspension or removal of fake accounts. It’s always best to focus on building an organic following through authentic engagement with real users rather than relying solely on purchased followers.

Analyze Your Results


It’s important to analyze the results of your efforts on Instagram to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your time and effort. By looking at your insights, you can get a better understanding of what content is resonating with your audience and what isn’t. This information can help you to focus your content strategy and make sure that you’re creating content that your followers will enjoy.

Additionally, analyzing your results can also help you to identify any areas where you could improve your performance on the platform. By taking a close look at your metrics, you can fine-tune your approach and make sure that you’re doing everything possible to grow your account.