
Putting up with your camper initially seems to be a colossal task but like many others, once you get familiar with-it things begin to appear easier. However, a camper is not something that can be treated as a house nor is it something that can be treated as a car. It has its own set of maintenance activities which one must know to operate successfully. First and foremost, delete it from your mind so that you can just hook it up and ride out. Although you can theoretically, certain things need to be taken care of to keep your equipment functioning at optimum capacity.

Camper Maintenance Pros

A surge in demand for campers has been seen indicating that more and more people are considering it as a go-to for their vacations. Which makes it all the more important to highlight some of its maintenance requirements. Old and experienced campers will agree with these while newcomers can employ them to make sure a smooth and enriching experience.

  • Let us start with wheels. Campers are not used regularly so it is quite often that they are used after standing idly for months at least. So, when you move one out, make sure that the air pressure of your camper wheels is all right. It shouldn’t be overinflated nor under for both conditions are dangerous. Keep the temperature effect in mind. Additionally, double-check your camper’s wheel lug nuts. You may find them loosened.
  • If your camper is stored outdoors, make sure to regularly check its roof seals for water damage. Open seams of vents, skylights, and AC units should be checked keenly. It so happens that the continuous water standing on the roof of your camper will soak into the interior causing much damage. Apply a good sealant to close them.
  • Your towing mechanism must be reliable. We recommend that you use a fifth-wheel hitch to tow your camper because of the reliability and room for maneuvering it offers. Besides, it is easier to install and uninstall. You can check out for further directions.
  • The water system of your camper needs special attention. Select cleaning chemicals which are compatible with your system whether it’s a black water system or any other. Flushing the system periodically will help protect it from excessive buildups and other operational failures.
  • It goes without saying that you need to keep your camper thoroughly cleaned, both interior and exterior. Make it your habit to do a complete cleanup after every trip. After storing your camper, you should also keep it clean to prevent buildups around seals which can affect the sliding of doors/windows if left untreated for a long. Make sure to lubricate all your sliders whether they are cabinets, windows, or doors.
  • All the filters of your camper need to be changed seasonally and every time you take it out too. Air filters, coolant, and hydraulic filters must not be left untreated.
  • Don’t neglect your power mechanism. Your camper’s batteries must be checked for water and charging if they are left unused for some time. You should keep it charged and take check its capacity before moving out on a trip. If you are using a deep-cycle battery, you should consider changing it after 3 years at most. Moreover, as the backlights of your towing vehicles will be blocked by your camper, luminous lights must be installed behind campers to avoid accidents.
  • An electrical connection can be maintained between your camper and towing truck so that it charges your camper’s battery while driving.
  • Last but not least, always know your camper’s essentials like height. You can keep the manual handy for this. Overpasses and hanging branches should be carefully crossed keeping the height in check.

Camper Hacks


Hacks are very interesting because they offer minimal solutions to irritating problems. We have compiled some below which will be useful to both experienced and novice campers.

  • Always start your journey by making a departure checklist. Note down the essentials and mark them off as you go off completing them. You can also add more along the way.
  • Sticking hooks are great for hanging things like clothes and utensils. With them there is no need to drill and hanging is sometimes better than alternatives. Similarly, suction cup holders can be used for bathroom accessories.
  • Kitchen supplies too can be hung once the drawer space runs out. You can also improvise and use file folders for the same purpose.
  • The importance of a well-stocked tool kit goes without saying. You can make minor repairs yourself using it.
  • Different smart navigation tools are available to draw up RV/Camper safe routes. We suggest you do some digging and read reviews. This will make your journey more convenient.
  • You must have a handy first aid kit. You never when you may need it. For pets, special considerations need to be taken.
  • Water conservation is important. For this, repurpose your dishwater to flush your toilets.
  • Don’t just leave your windows stock. Covering the door window and others with curtains or blinds will give you some privacy in addition to favorable impacts on inner temperature.
  • Power is precious while camping but with simple solutions, you can keep the cold out as the campers are not always well insulated. Vent cushions can help a lot. You can also use headlamps while you can to conserve power.
  • Always have alternative light sources. Campsite lights are necessary but you should also have torches. LED lights are preferable for their glow and conservative power usage.
  • Many complain of things rolling over and falling off the cabinet while on the road. While this is a legitimate issue, the solution is fairly simple. Use tension rods to secure your cabinets and other loose objects. These rods can be repurposed later on the campsite too.
  • Your TV can lose balance due to jolts out on the road. Make sure to tie it up or set it up only after you have settled in.
  • Many people forget to turn off their propane tanks. Don’t do this, it’s dangerous.
  • For cases of emergencies, your camper must have jack-ups and jack pads. Moreover, you must have an emergency cable too.
  • Tire chains must be kept for both the camper and the towing vehicle to be used whenever needed.
  • When you break the campsite, make sure to double-check your towing connection. Severe accidents can result from even a little negligence.
  • Keep buckets with you on the camper to wash your clothes along the journey. You don’t want to pile up dirty clothes taking up much-needed space.
  • Pack your food carefully. Only take those items which require less preparation. You can also take half-prepared items with you like wings which only need frying et cetera. Always keep an emergency bag with dry food.
  • If you are going with your family, keep multiple board games with you for the kids. You will love them when the weather forces you to stay indoors.
  • Utilize space smartly. You can use spaces under beds to hold additional stuff. Shoe racks can be fitted beside beds temporarily.
  • Take collapsible garbage cans with you to conserve space. Moreover, find square containers instead of regular round ones. You will be amazed at how less space they take.

With these tips and tricks followed, you can rest assured that your adventure will be a memorable one.