
Planning for the design of your platform for the next show can take a lot of time and it can lead to a lot of stress. If you don’t make the stand look interesting and desirable, chances are, you are not going to be remembered and you will not gain any new customers.

In these exhibitions, we want to portray our brand in the best possible light, and we want to attract as many people as we can and get them interested in our business. If you are interested to know what you can do to get more people to trust your company, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we are going to give you some exhibition stand design tips for your next trade show, and we will tell you how to avoid some of the biggest mistakes.

1. Consider who is going to attend


The first thing that you need to consider when you plan the design of your platform is who you are trying to appeal to. Depending on the target audience and the people that you are going to interact with, you will need to plan on the space, how things are going to be positioned, and even the colors and the fonts of the text.

What would your potential customers want to see? What would be the thing that gets them to come to your platform and stay there? Make choices that will attract people who are going to invest in your brand and not just random passersby who are not going to be affected by what you have to offer.

2. Use as much of the space as you can


Maximizing the spaces is what you want to achieve when planning the design, and even though you will be working with limited space, that does not mean that you won’t have room for everything.

Plan the flow, where people are going to start, who they are going to approach first, and what will they see as they move along. Try to create a story and try to engage them with every new thing that they see. Use as much of the space that you have as you can, but remember that you don’t want to make it look too crowded or too busy.

3. Don’t make the look too crowded

One of the biggest mistakes that we make is trying to put everything in the same place, and we want to exhibit as many of our products as we can. On the same note, we go over the top with text and we hope that every person will read our company values, our goal, and what we have to offer. This is not going to do you any good, and chances are, you will just overstimulate your potential customers and they will just walk away.

You can see that you don’t have to plan the design on your own, and you don’t have to go through the test process without knowing what you are doing, but instead, you can just collaborate with professionals that are going to help you plan the platform in a way that you will get the needed interactions.

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4. Always focus on the lighting


The lighting is the most important part of the whole platform, and you can either make the best choices and help people feel comfortable there, or you can make it too difficult for them to read your fliers or to even look at the things that you are offering.

Remember that the light should be bright enough so that everyone can see everything properly, but at the same time, it should not be too bright to hurt their eyes. Consider your employees as well, since they will have to be there for hours and you don’t want them to get a headache because of improper lights.

5. Consider making the stand interactive


We learn the best when we are part of the project, and it is the same with remembering a product and a brand. In these shows, there are going to be dozens of platforms, and it is going to be difficult for potential customers to remember your stand.

So, you need to help them remember it and think about it after they go back home. The easiest way to do that is to make the platform interactive and get potential investors to become a part of the exhibition. You can do this in different ways depending on what you are offering and what your brand is about, so think about what you can do to help your clients interact with your platform and remember it long after the show is over.

6. Don’t forget to know what your goals are

When you set your goal for the show you will know what you want to do, how to attract people, and how to set the interactive platforms. Do you want to show off your product; are you interested in presenting the company values, or do you want to do market research? Depending on what you want to achieve, you should set your platform in that way. Note that everyone who is working on the stand should know the objectives and should work towards the same goal.

7. Implement modern tech


Finally, you should always consider implementing modern technology and gadgets. This way you will be able to present your idea to people who don’t necessarily spend too much time on your stand, and they will still know what it is about.

Sometimes we are in a rush during the shows and we don’t have enough time to spend on each platform, but we definitely remember things that made an impression. Use items like VR, AV, and AR that are going to help everyone who interacts ad who just passes by, remember your exhibition.

All of these things are going to help you create the space that you need, and you will be able to get noticed by potential customers and people who might want to invest in your brand. Know that you should test things out before the show, see how they work, and how you can maximize the space.

Collaborating with professionals can help you out a lot, and you won’t have to do it all on your own. Take your time to learn, and don’t forget to check out what your competitors are doing and how you can be better than them.