Some relationships are simply not made to succeed. Considering the dense schedules of celebrities, as well as crazy parties, there are so many things that can go wrong. Especially when your relationship is in the center of attention, and you cannot stand the pressure. 

Nothing is as sweet as a celebrity drama – that’s the way it is. But many toxic relationships of celebrities end fatally – at least one participant. So we can learn a lot from these relationships – maybe what a relationship should not look like.

Rihanna and Chris Brown

The relationship between Rihanna and Chris Brown is definitely in the lead in terms of toxicity. They were the sexiest hip-hop couple, until their huge quarrel the night before the 2009 Grammy Awards. Unfortunately, Rihanna ended up in dangerous bruises and injuries after the brutal beating she got from Chris. After a long apology from Chris Brown, the couple tried to revive the romance in 2012, but the relationship lasted only a few months. 

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp


Many were surprised that Johnny took Amber to the altar so quickly – especially after his 20-year relationship with Vanessa Paradis, whom he never married.

The couple divorced in 2017 after Amber accused him of abuse. The trial lasted for years and a lot of evidence emerged about the toxicity of this couple. Deep even lost many sponsors and got fired from movies like “Fantastic Beast” and “Pirates of the Caribbean” after the accusations of being abusive. 

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick


Following the Kardashians, we had the opportunity to see various nuances of the dysfunctionality of this couple. Scott loved parties and drinking, and things were going down while Kourtney was pregnant with their third child.

However, after Scott disappeared for a few days, pictures of him and the other girls surfaced and they decided to separate. However, even now, their new mini drama and the consequences of that toxic relationship are emerging in some places. He is still a big part of the Kardashian family and still wants to get Kourtney back, even though she said many times that she is done with  him. 

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber


Selena and Justin were a young Hollywood golden couple – until their perfect image began to fall apart due to rumors of fraud. Teen pop idol cheated on his girlfriend numerous times, which broke Selena to pieces and at that period she started drinking. But despite his cheating and numerous outbursts they kept coming back to each other, until Bieber finally married Haley Baldwin, which is just a drama itself.

Madonna and Sean Penn


Madonna and Sean Penn were also a hot topic when they started having fun. However, their toxic fairy tale did not end as they had hoped. Shortly after the wedding in 1985, Sean’s problems with anger and violence came to light. The couple was involved in several cases of domestic violence, one of which placed Madonna in hospital.

Finally, they divorced in 1989. Together they have a son Rocco and even after that toxic relationship, they are now on friendly terms.

Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown


If you haven’t seen a documentary about Whitney, be sure to put it on your list. A perfect example of how not to neglect yourself, your needs and desires for someone else.

They were one of the most tragic musical couples. Their marriage lasted from 1992 to 2006, and the details of the divorce lawsuit were shared by all media. However, we followed everything – from addiction to drugs and alcohol, to accusations of fraud, arrests and domestic violence. A real cocktail of dramatic emotions characteristic of toxic relationships.

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher


Everyone heard when Ashton and Demi got married, mostly because of the 15-year age difference. However, everything came to an end in 2011, six years after the wedding. Ashton allegedly cheated on Demi with Sarah Lille. And in 2018, Ashton was on a podcast with Dax Shepard that he talked about how he hadn’t eaten for almost a week after they came out of a toxic relationship and marriage.

“Shortly after the divorce, I spent a week alone on the mountain. I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink anything but water and tea. I removed all the technology, the computer, the phone, everything. I was alone, so there was no story. “I only had a notebook, a pen, water and tea all week,” Ashton said.

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson


They shocked the whole world with their engagement after only a few weeks of relationship! They bought rings and did matching tattoos, but it didn’t last long. Ariana said in an interview with Vogue that the relationship was ‘very unrealistic’.

“When I met Pete, it was a beautiful diversion of thought. It was relaxed and fun and crazy and very unreal, but I loved him and I didn’t even know him. “

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise


Nicole and Tom have been married for 11 years, but after the divorce in 2011, Tom was given custody of both children. At one point, a detail even surfaced that Tom was trying to forbid Nicole from attending their son’s wedding. Allegedly, the reason is Tom’s membership in the Scientology sect, but Nicole said that she does not regret anything.

Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton


When Angelina and Bob got engaged in 2000, they were known for their passionate love – but also for the fact that they both wore necklaces with pendants that contained blood – she wore his, he hers. However, their marriage lasted only three years. Visiting a podcast in 2018, Bob stated that the two of them would have stayed together, if their life goals had not been so different.

“We simply lived differently. She was globally famous and went everywhere, while I was more for the house. So realistically, that’s the only reason we’re still not together. We have taken different paths in life. ”