Donald Trump

NATIONAL REVIEW – 01/31/2020: President Donald Trump is continuing with his rallies for the upcoming elections despite the ongoing impeachment trial. On Thursday, he visited his supporters in Des Moines, Iowa. During his speech, he took a dig at Democrat Party. President Trump told the gathered people that those Democrats who want to vote for Green New Deal are going to kill their cows.

According to POTUS, the Green New Deal will destroy the farms and kill our beautiful cows. Trump continued by saying that after Democrats are over with cows, they will switch to people who are not supporting them.

Donald Trump

The Green New Deal has an aim to reduce carbon footprint in the US. One part of the GND resolution talks about how exactly this will be achieved. It seems that the way to go is by getting rid of farting cows and airplanes.

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POTUS continued his rally by calling Democrats a radical party that has it all wrong in their politics regarding climate change. On the other hand, he once again repeated that the US farmers have the full support of his administration.

Trump claims that farmers were second class citizens before his mandate. President also told that for 15 years, farmers were exploited by society. Now that he took control over the country, farming is going through the renaissance concluded the President.

Not everything Donald Trump said was one hundred percent true. During his term in the Oval office, farmers went through a rough period. Trump’s trade war with China caused it. The losses farmers suffered during 2019 were so enormous that $28 billion was taken from federal funds to repay the lost gain. And it was all caused by Trump’s trade war.

The number of farms that went bankrupt during 2019 rose by 20% compared to previous years. The level it reached was the biggest in the last eight years. Maybe Donald Trump isn’t farmers’ best friend after all.


By Sinisav