Most people do comprehend the basics of how the workers’ compensation claim functions – if someone gets injured while at the job, they’ll be compensated for the work they have missed over the recovery and/or rehabilitation period, and most of their medical bills will also be taken care of.

But, when you think about it, there is so much more to this claim that both business owners and employees need to know about, especially since the laws, rules, and regulations might be different for each state. This might lead you to think – what are the basic thing that I’ll need to take if I get wounded while at my job?

Luckily for all people, this article might be able to help you. The text below is going to feature the steps that you’ll need to take in order to file a workers’ compensation claim, but, before we take a closer look the steps you should take, let’s first take a look at what this claim actually is:

Workers’ Comp Appeal: Explained

The very first thing that you should know about this application is that it is a crucial part of every business and company. It is basically an insurance program that will provide workers with different benefits if they get injured or ill while at your company, benefits that will make you for all the lost wages, as well as medical expenses.

Generally speaking, this claim most commonly covers different injuries such as losing a limb, illnesses created by the working environments, permanent damages, medicinal costs, rehabilitation, lost salaries, death, as well as liability insurance. No matter whose fault it is, the workers’ compensation must provide coverage.

The Steps You’ll Need to Take

Tell Your Superiors Right Away

If you, unfortunately, get wounded while at your office, one of the first steps that you’ll need to take is to inform your superiors. Each state requires employees to report their injuries by a specific time, which can be different in each state. Nonetheless, if you fail to inform them that you got hurt, you may not be eligible for filing the claim. Hence, ensure that you learn what the deadline is.

Getting Treatment is Crucial

Once you notify your superiors about your wounds, the next thing is getting medical treatment. Besides ensuring that you are well, getting immediate medical attention can help you make the entire recovery process easier and quicker. Additionally, you’ll want to get all the documents from your doctor in order to have evidence when filing your case. Remember – if you do not get medical attention as quickly as possible, the company may think that you weren’t severely hurt, hence, it might make you ineligible for filing.

Hire an Attorney And Learn All About The Things You Can Receive

According to the workers’ compensation lawyers in Perth representing Foyle Legal Perth, there are different benefits that you can gain, including:

– Current Disability Assistance – you’ll get a paid for the time you need to spend recovering,

– Ongoing Disability Assistance – which means that you’ll get compensated for lasting impairments,

– Medical Fees – which covers the costs of your hospital charges,

– Vocational Rehab – you keep your job while the employer help you with finding a new job that fits your injury restrictions,

– Travel Fees – coverage for your travels to your physician’s office, home, rehabilitation center, and so on.

An Independent Exam Might Occur

Besides the exam and treatment, you’ll get at the hospital, you also might get another exam that does not focus on treating you. Instead, the other side will hire an independent one in order to examine you, review all the records you got from the hospital, as well as report their findings.

This will help summarize the diagnoses, and all of your work restrictions, injuries, and so on. In most cases, these experts will be hired if the insurance company wishes to reduce your benefits or in some cases terminate them altogether. Keep in mind, if you get scheduled for such an exam, do not miss it.

Be Careful of Detectives And Monitoring

Now, if anyone questions your credibility – whether you were really hurt and affected by the injury – the other side might choose to hire a private investigator to follow you around. What will they do? Well, they’ll basically watch you at your home or when you go out, all in the hopes that you’ll do something that is contradictory to your claim.

For instance, if you told your doctor that you cannot lift your arms, but an investigator catches you while you are carrying boxes and bags into your home, the insurance company might say that you lied and still are lying about the consequences of your injuries. Hence, you should be extra careful during the first 2 weeks.

You’ll Want to Keep All The Records And Documents

You should not forget to keep all of the records, documents, and any other paperwork that is connected to your claim. This means that you should keep all the work restrictions, letters from your boss or the company, as well as a completed document and report from yo doctor.

Although your physician will make detailed medical reports and your treatment, you should know that they do not always place the work restriction slip into the medical reports, which is why you’ll want to ask for it. Why? Well, in most cases, they are crucial for getting approved and actually paid.


So, there you have it – there is a wide range of steps that you’ll need to take when it comes to filing a workers’ compensation claim. Following the tips mentioned above won’t only make everything easier for you, but, they’ll also ensure that you are actually eligible for the benefits.

So, now that you are aware of the steps you’ll need to take, do not waste any more time. Instead, start browsing the Internet in order to find a lawyer that will represent you and your needs, as well as one that will get you the benefits that you need until you get back on your feet and start working again!