Laptop with coffee in your pajamas in the morning and start typing – the home office sounds tempting. This is a dream for many. Working from home, no longer having to travel, less stress in the office, more flexible organization – this sounds like freedom, self-determination and relaxation.

Better still in the home office: no boss sitting on your neck and no annoying colleagues running crazy. Ideally, you can organize your private life even better because you are already at home in your home office. It sounds like heavenly conditions, but it is also a great challenge and requires discipline, focus and clear boundaries.

Everyone who works at home notices the following positive things: less distracted, more focused and productive, rarely ill with less infection and generally much more satisfied.

Also, employees who are empowered are happier in business, more motivated, and more loyal to their employer in the long run – benefiting the company equally as employees are more involved and contribute to the company’s success.

One of the main advantages of this method is that the home provides you with lots of fun. This is a great way to love your job even more, because what’s better than a job that associates you with fun?

Unlock a whole new world of entertainment and we will help you with these tips.

Wake up early

We know you may not like the idea of ​​waking up earlier … But it happens because you associate it with the fact that you have to start fulfilling your responsibilities early, and obviously the idea of ​​sleeping for another hour sounds a lot more convenient.

But what if you get up an hour early and spend all that time doing the things you love?

Having a daily routine with activities that make you feel good and gives you the energy to start the day will motivate you and want to accomplish so much more in the day. You can use this time for meditation, writing in your journal, listening to music, reading for 30 minutes, exercising, or any other activity you enjoy working on.

Don’t lose touch with nature

Here you understand the “nature” very broadly. If you have a garden and a yard, at times like this you are a lucky person. As soon as you wake up go out to the patio and open the windows wide. Spend the first moments after waking up in the fresh air.

When you are bored with your surroundings, leave the house. Do your job in the yard, nature, whatever suits you. If the routine is what kills you, change it from time to time!

Take breaks

Remember that you should also take breaks while working from home. Use them constructively; by taking a little break from the screens and information and relaxing. This is one of the pitfalls, though, because it can act as one big break or continuous work, however you experience it. However, you should not eat or work at the same time, or put your laundry in the machine, and then interrupt it to do something again. Your thoughts will always be halfway there, which is not good because then you are neither productive nor able to rest.

So, make a clear schedule and stick to it.  Do your body and mind a favor and take advantage of that time by doing yoga that you might not have time for. This way, you will relax and take a break, and on the other hand, stay in shape!

Create a VPN

The primary purpose when it was made was to protect it from industrial espionage. The VPN network offers encryption from point A to point B. It uses special encrypted methods to provide data transfer. Here is a VPN service that you can use to bypass geo-restrictions on platforms like Netflix, BBC iPlayer, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, etc.

Hang the inspiration board

Whether it is a piece of cork, a light metal construction, or a board made of some other material, it will greatly help you to have a backing on which you will attach thumbnails and clips that inspire you. They can be directly related to your profession, or just a set of visual impressions that make you feel comfortable.

Communicate with colleagues

Communicate with them through social networks, video calls, phone calls, stay up-to-date and make deals together. This will give you the feeling that you are all in the office and you are talking about job contribution, which contributes to the atmosphere.

This also has a good effect on your mood (of course, if you love your collective). Office gossip, internal mailers and all the other little things that enrich your communication with colleagues can also take place online.

Play with your autfit

Finally there is no morning rush to go to work. You don’t have to look lost in the closet because you don’t know what to wear – pajamas can be an all-day outfit. Nevertheless, some rituals are still present and unavoidable. They made the hectic mornings more beautiful and bearable, and gave the light ones a special romantic movie note.

So, get out of your pajamas and slippers in your favorite dress and heels or put on the suit that works best for you. This is another primarily motivating factor because we all feel more productive, attractive and more efficient, and in nice clothes. This will further create a working atmosphere!

Take the opportunity and experiment with clothing. Going home with a daily dress code violation can be very fun, try it out and see for yourself. Plus, you certainly spend a lot of time making video calls with colleagues and co-workers, so look great.

Listen to music

Music has long been known to be a big part of our lives and often our main driver, pleasure and motivator. More importantly, scientists have recently discovered how music enriches our professional lives. Listening to cheerful music while working can stimulate creativity and problem solving, according to the latest research.

Classical music, which is characterized by positive energy like music of Antoni Vivaldi, has the greatest chance of stimulating creative thinking, scientists have concluded. However, feel free to relax in the bolder notes and bring a special mood to your work atmosphere.


We hope you found these tips helpful. We are sure that putting them into action will see how it will increase your efficiency, productivity and focus when working from home. Likewise, when your office hours are over, just like your office, shut down all business-related applications and devote to your free time. Work hard and enjoy it to the best of your ability.