Donald Trump

Donald Trump has a strange approach to dealing with coronavirus. With all doctors and medical experts available to him, he decided to ask for help from a former MLB superstar. It would seem that POTUS asked Alex Rodriguez for a piece of advice.

According to an anonymous source, Rodriguez and Trump had a pleasant phone call. At the moment, it would seem that former New York Yankees’ third baseman is not going to join Trump’s administration. This news was first reported by ABC news, but Donald Trump was quick to deny the reports calling them fake news.

Donald Trump

John Santucci tweeted about the contact between Mr. Trump and A-Rod: “During marathon day of meetings earlier this week, President Trump continued outreach across the country regarding coronavirus & phoned former Yankees baseball player Alex Rodriguez. Multiple sources tell ABC, the president spoke to ARod from the Oval Office via me & @KFaulders”

Read Also: Forget Coronavirus, Melania Trump Has Other Priorities!

President Trump responded on Twitter: “So much of the Lamestream Media is writing and broadcasting stories with facts that are made up and knowingly wrong. They are doing it by quoting unnamed sources that simply do not exist. These are very dangerous & corrupt people, who will do anything to win. NAME YOUR SOURCES!”

It remains unclear what the two talked about as it’s known that in the past, they weren’t in excellent relations. Seven years ago, before Trump became the President and while A-Rod was playing for New York Yankees, POTUS called him a” druggie.”

If you remember, back in 2014, Rodriguez was suspended for one year because he participated in the biogenesis scandal. At the moment, Rodriguez is working for Fox Sports MLB and ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball. It is unclear if he and his fiancee Jennifer Lopez want to participate in dealing with coronavirus in any way.


By Sinisav