Donald Trump

CNN – 03/10/2020: Earlier today, it was reported that President Donald Trump contracted coronavirus. According to White House officials, the news is fake, and POTUS wasn’t tested for this virus. But, the truth is that some of his associates have self-quarantined themselves due to the risk that they are affected. All of them were in contact with a man who was afterward diagnosed with COVID-19.

The members of Donald Trump’s staff who had contact with the unnamed man diagnosed with coronavirus are Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and Rep. Doug Collins, a Georgia Republican.


The major scare that President could fell to coronavirus should serve as a reminder to all Americans that the threat is real. Anyone could get infected if they don’t take measures of precaution. The people who surround Mr. Trump meet with a lot of people because of their work and the ongoing presidential campaign. It is about time Donald Trump starts taking coronavirus seriously.

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An interesting fact, surrounding the scare that members of the White House who were in contact with coronavirus are all in their mid-seventies. The risk among that population is high of contracting the virus and eventually succumb to it.

Despite all of this, POTUS still downplays the severity of the upcoming coronavirus outbreak. The number of people infected in the United States rose to seven hundred. Italy, Europa’s most infected country, went into a full lock-down. The US stock market went down to record low because of fears that the economy and trade could suffer due to the spreading of this virus.

Now is the best moment for Trump to make battling with coronavirus his priority and not his presidential campaign. Because in the long run, not dealing with this crisis in the right manner could cost him his seat in Oval Office. This is not something he wants to lose, the same way we don’t want to lose any more American lives to this virus.


By Sinisav