In today’s day and age of the internet, there are a lot of ways in which your online image can make or break your personal and professional lives. Whether you are a working professional or a small business owner, your employers or potential clients use different social media platforms and search engines to perceive your personal brand.
This is where the importance of a good online image comes in! A good online image not only grabs the attention of your viewers but also adds value and a sense of trustworthiness to your personal brand.

Whether you realize it or not, but every single post on your Instagram or Facebook account adds to build up your online persona. Something, as irrelevant as an inappropriate picture or caption posted by you might be doing a lot more harm to your online image than you might think. Hence, this not just calls for being cautious in the future about what you share online but also requires you to take necessary steps to remove negative search results about your brand from online search engines.
Why it is important to have a good online image?
First of all, we spend so much time online that it becomes unclear what’s real and what’s not. If you run an online business, you cannot separate the two world. Now imagine what it would look like if you try to present your business to the possible clients, and yet on your social media accounts, you have some inappropriate photos from parties and whatnot. None of them would take you seriously.

Secondly, the same goes when you are applying for a job. Although CVs are still required, the companies already know that people tend to present themselves in the best light possible. That is all good, but most of them go overboard and lie about their experience, schools they graduated from and some other characteristics just to get a job they want. CVs can be good, but they are not 100% reliable.
That is why some companies look at your social media profiles. You post everything there and you are genuine about it. Of course, even there you want to present yourself in the best light possible, but it is different. They can learn much more about you, especially if you are active on a daily basis. So you want to be aware of what you post.
Get it Fixed
Luckily, having a bad online reputation isn’t the damage beyond repair. There is still something that can be done.

Reputation repair is the need of the hour, as it gives you a second chance to rebuild your personal or professional online image in the best way possible. Get in touch with a reputation management service online such as to get all your negative search results removed now!