Melania Trump

Being the First Lady isn’t easy. It takes some skill. Melania Trump definitely has some unique abilities, as they are needed to be able to withstand being married to Donald Trump. Considering what POTUS does every day, she has patience and tolerance in abundance.

What Melania doesn’t have is that political touch which is needed to feel the mood of the nation, or to read the spirit levels of a room. She did, after all, wore an “I don’t care jacket” to meet and greet children who were separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border. Or that time when she did the White House renovations amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Melania Trump

What she does more frequently is even worse. We are talking about her anti-bullying campaign. She advocates a specific type of behavior on social media. This is all by itself a good cause, and her Be Best campaign would have a perfect sense if not for one thing—her husband, the 45th United States President Donald Trump.

Read Also: Donald Trump Shares Melania’s Coronavirus Test Results!

After the First Lady first revealed what’s her solo project about, many were left in wonder. The reason is, as we said, her husband, Donald. Whenever she starts talking about the norms that should be honored when communicating online, she gets attacked. And for a reason. People often ask her: “Have you tried speaking to your husband?”

Donald Trump isn’t only the President of the United States; he’s also the world’s biggest Internet troll. In one of her’s yesterday tweets, Melania wrote: “While most children are at home during this challenging time, they tend to be on social media throughout the day. Parents, please be sure to check on them regularly to be sure they’re practicing online safety.”

The thing is she should look for what her husband writes on twitter every day and for years. He’s the biggest bully online, and her campaign should deal with people like him.


By Sinisav