Facing the need for assisted living is never easy – neither for your elderly loved ones nor for the rest of the family. However, there comes a time when it becomes an option that would benefit your loved one’s life and well-being more than anything else.
In fact, the stigma of „sending“ your family member to a retirement home is quite undeserving. It’s not something you’d be doing to avoid responsibility for your elderly loved one – it’s quite on the contrary!
Here we’ll provide you with the most telling signs that it might be time to consider a retirement home for your elderly family member.
So, without any further ado, let’s get to the bottom of it.
1. Their health is deteriorating

Chronic health issues tend to worsen as someone gets older – there’s nothing you can do about it, except look for ways to make things easier for your loved one. If their health worsens to the point they require constant care and attention, you might want to consider getting them to a retirement home. Again, there’s no need to feel guilty or selfish about it – providing 24-hour care for someone is next to impossible when you’re working or have children of your own.
In fact, no matter how much you try, you might not be able to provide them with the care they need. When your family member suffers from chronic health issues that only seem to be getting worse, your only solution is to seek professional help. Professional caregivers at retirement homes have the knowledge, skills, and tools to make things much easier for your elderly family member, so it’s certainly something worth considering.
2. They’re becoming aggressive
Unfortunately, some older patients suffering from dementia and other similar diseases may exhibit behavioral problems at one point in their life. They might become physically or verbally abusive, which can be quite devastating for their family and friends.
Of course, this is not their fault as they’re chronically ill, but it’s still not something that you should put up with, as it can be extremely draining over time. It may even cause you to resent them, which is certainly something you’d want to avoid. They’re better off left to professionals who know how to deal with these types of situations in a way that’s most beneficial to the patient.
3. Changes in their hygiene

A sudden lack of hygiene habits is the first sign there’s something wrong with your loved one, especially if it never occurred before. It’s a certain sign they’re not able to take care of themselves, which also means they shouldn’t be left living alone anymore.
If you’re not able to take care of them either, for any reason whatsoever, you’d want to seek professional help. Your loved ones shouldn’t be left to their own devices if they start neglecting themselves. They might not be aware of it, but they could be actively harming themselves in more ways than one. With their old age, this could only worsen their chronic health issues and reduce their quality of life.
4. Their home’s becoming unrecognizable

If your loved one seems to have stopped taking care of their surroundings, what’s to guarantee they’re taking care of themselves properly? If you’ve been noticing their home’s getting extremely cluttered, their bills aren’t getting paid in time anymore, and their lawn is completely unkept all of a sudden, they probably shouldn’t be living alone anymore.
Getting them the care they need in the retirement home might be the best solution for everyone. No matter how much you think you can do it yourself, taking care of a sick elderly family member is not an easy task, especially if they refuse to accept their condition. Places like siennaliving.ca can provide them with the care they need, improving their life in more ways than one.
5. They’re isolating themselves

Has your elderly family member become extremely distant as of lately? Are they’re avoiding everyone, canceling plans, and refusing to pick up your calls? They’re probably dealing with some issues you’re yet unaware of – it’s a certain sign they’re struggling with their health.
Retirement homes are the perfect solution in these kinds of situations. These institutions won’t only provide them with proper healthcare, but they’ll allow them to socialize with other elderly individuals that probably understand their struggles quite well.
Remember, retirement homes aren’t some depressing places where old people just sit in their room and look through the windows all day. Professionals working in retirement homes work hard to provide the seniors with the activities, entertainment, and care they need to improve their lives and health.
6. They’ve brought up the topic themselves
Some senior family members might start feeling like a burden once they’re unable to care for themselves anymore. While this is far from being the truth, it might cause them to bring up the topic of retirement homes on their own. Make sure they understand that they’re free to choose what they believe is best for them.
Even if their cognitive abilities are in decline, they’re still people with their own needs and preferences that should be respected. We’re not saying you can’t make a decision for them once their health gets to a point they’re unable to do it for themselves, but their feelings and concerns should also be considered.
7. They’ve become a risk to themselves

If your family member frequently gets hurt or wanders off while you’re not able to monitor them, it’s time to consider a retirement home. You should never allow them the opportunity to hurt themselves on accident, as it would be selfish and cruel on your part. If you’ve been unable to keep them safe at all times, no matter how much you’d like to take care of them on your own, it’s time to call the professionals.
The bottom line
Retirement homes can help your elderly love ones prolong their life and spend the rest of their days safely and happily. It’s something you should consider as soon as you notice serious cognitive impairments and shifts in their behavior that present a risk to themselves and the people around them.
All in all, we hope our article changed your perspective on retirement homes and we wish you and your loved ones all the best in your future together.