The guitarist of a legendary rock band “Queen” Brian May stated on his social media that he battles with depression. In his post, he stated that he is pretending to be happy through the holidays.

Rock Legend Battles with Depression

In fact, he battles a mental condition. He wrote under an image of Jimmy Hendricks that he received this picture of Jimmy Hendricks from John Eliot, a frontman of Def Leppard. He stated that Jimmy Hendricks was his childhood hero and that this picture reminds him to chase his dreams despite being a lot older these days.


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Inspiration for the next 10 years ? Thanks to my dear friend Joe Elliott @defleppard I have this great image of my hero Jimi Hendrix on my wall to remind me to keep reaching for the stars. Ach ! A bit too glib for you ? Well, that’s my brave face. Most of this Christmas period I haven’t wanted to show my face because my face was grim. There’s something about this time of the year that paralyses me. Depression, hopelessness, fear … I get engulfed. Is it logical ? No. Should I be grateful for my life and therefore NOT depressed ? Yes. But none of that makes any difference when you look up and the colours have gone out of the world. Tomorrow I am wrenching myself back into ‘normality’ – starting with some biking and stretching and hot and cold showering. Oh ! And the Veganuary quest ? It went OK on Day 2. Breakfast : half a grapefruit and crispbread with plant-based spread and home-made marmalade. Jasmin tea, black. Lunch : a Vegan Leggera Padana in Pizza Express with my littlest ones. That’s very easy – they do it all for you – they make it with Vegan cheese and it tastes just like ‘normal’ ! And for Dinner : some nice light veggies prepared by my amazing wife ! There are SO many great vegetables in the world – artichoke hearts, hearts of palm, roasted parsnips, new potatoes, and a rocket and tomato salad, perked up with Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar from dear old Luciano Pavarotti’s home town. Plus a nice selection of nuts and raisins. Hey ! This is a doddle !! Ha ha !! Well, we shall see ! Happy Friday folks … we’ll soon be out of this murky Sargasso Sea ! Bri

A post shared by Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) on

Also, he stated that he didn’t want to show his face throughout the holidays because he wasn’t in a good mood. Plus, he stated that he doesn’t feel good in the Christmas period, because he battles with the meaning of life. Should he be thankful for his life or should he be depressive?

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Rock Legend Battles with Depression

He stated that he doesn’t see colors in today’s world. However, he will continue to battle with his condition by doing everyday things like riding a bicycle. Under his post, he received massive support from his fans.