Moving to live in another place is a tough decision. However, many factors influence making such a decision. For example, the place where we live is not perspective. We are interested in a certain field of business, but there are no conditions to achieve our goals in the place where we live. Despite that, sometimes even things like climate make us go to another place. For instance, we are tired of cold days and we would want to go somewhere where is warm.

It doesn’t matter why you want to move out to another place. You need to do that in the right way. If you do that in a hurry, there is a big chance you will regret that decision later. Because of that, you need to get informed well about your new destination.

One of the attractive destinations for a living is Tampa, Florida. Believe it or not, this place only had 800 citizens in 1800. However, already in 1900, this number jumped to 15000. Today, this place has around 393 thousand citizens.

There are many reasons why people would want to live here. For example, this place has developed the tourism, trading, and financial sector. In other words, it is a prospective place for many people.

Still, we do not want to say that everything is perfect in this place. Indeed, every city in the world has its pros and cons. Tampa is also one of them. Because of that, we would want to analyze together the pros and cons of living in Tampa. We are sure that these pieces of information will give you a clear picture if your decision is right or not.

The Cons

First, you should see the cons about Tampa so that you move there with eyes wide open. The following are some cons to anticipate:

The Humidity

If you haven’t been told, Florida can get pretty humid, which can get sticky when it’s hot. No one likes humidity, but the good thing about knowing this beforehand is that you know what to do. You’ll need to consider more breathable clothes like linen, and you need to make sure you have a dehumidifier. There’s a lot of types of dehumidifiers you can purchase that’ll help make your life more comfortable when you get to Tampa.

Hurricane Season

Another thing that should be pointed out as a con is the hurricane season. You’ve heard of a few hurricanes that hit Florida from time to time. You need to be aware of this and simply prepare. The good thing is Florida’s weather forecast system is pretty good and alerts residents one to two days in advance. Some residents simply leave during the hurricane season and go to a safer area to be safe.

Poor Public Transportation

You should know that public transportation in Tampa needs improvement. Most people prefer to have a vehicle, which isn’t too bad since traffic is pretty good in Tampa. Those who are thinking of using public transportation should be happy to know that ride-sharing apps are doing well in Tampa, so you’ll be able to use that if you’re running late or don’t like your public transportation options after you experience them.


Okay, this might not be a big problem, but people should know about it. As you know, the weather in Tampa is almost always warm. Even when the winter comes, some plants bloom throughout the year. It is not something you can find everywhere in the world. However, people that have the pollen allergy will have bothersome symptoms almost every month. Despite that, if you are suffering from an allergic reaction to insects, you need to prepare for that.

Believe it or not, mosquitoes are one of the biggest problems in this area. Yet, this doesn’t mean that the help does not exist. You can always purchase some medicines that can help you with allergies. Indeed, the symptoms of allergy are not dangerous. However, they are annoying and everyone wants to get rid of them as soon as possible.


It might seem silly to say something like this. However, we are here to analyze everything. Alligators do not live in Tampa of course. However, this place is full of rivers, lakes, and ponds. These are places where you can run into them.

However, you would get surprised when you see that locals get used to this. For instance, Hillsborough River is the place where you can find them. However, you will still see people using canoes and kayaks all the time in the water. Yet, spending the entire day in the water with pets and children is something you will have to avoid.

The Pros

Yes, there are a few cons, but there are some compelling pros that continue to attract people to Tampa. The following are some reasons you shouldn’t wait too long before looking for good moving companies in Tampa like Suddath.

The Festivals

People love Tampa and continue to move here, and one thing people love is the festival season. There are many festival seasons, thanks to all the festive and happy residents of Tampa. If you want to live in an area that feels alive, exciting, and feels like the center of the world, then this is where you want to be.


The affordability of Tampa is another reason many people are moving there. It’s no secret that many cities around the United States are getting more expensive. People cannot live comfortably in the most expensive cities in this country, which makes Tampa such an attractive option. Rent, homes, and the cost of goods are better here. You can stretch your dollar and feel better about your finances here.

Affordability in Tampa extends beyond just lower living costs. It also encompasses a variety of housing options for those ready to move to Florida. Whether you’re looking for an apartment in the heart of the city, a suburban house, or even a waterfront property, Tampa offers a range of choices to suit different budgets and preferences. The real estate market is diverse, and you can find affordable housing without compromising on quality or location.

Good Jobs

Work is hard to find in many cities out there. You have to compete with a lot of people to get a shot. This is something you don’t have to worry about in Tampa. Those hungry for experience and a good job will likely find one here. The job market in Tampa is doing well and seems to be growing compared to other places in the United States. Still, it’s a good idea to line up a few opportunities before you move to give yourself a little peace of mind.


Well, you will easily notice that Tampa is a world-class culinary destination. It is a place where the Cuban sandwich is developed. These sandwiches you can find almost on every corner in the city.

However, that doesn’t mean you will eat sandwiches every single day. You will find many Latin-inspired restaurants and food trucks. There are many dishes that you should try out when coming here.

Finally, visiting Berns Steakhouse is a “must-do” thing when coming here. This place has served the community for more than 60 years. Here you can find some of the best wines as well. The place has got a James Beard award winner for its wine.

These are just some pros and cons of moving to and living in Tampa. Hopefully, knowing all this helps you feel more at ease with your decision.