Today, Prince William and Kate are a harmonious married couple with three beautiful children and great Royal titles and responsibilities, but this Royal couple also had a painful love period behind them.

Although the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge look like the perfect couple, whose marriage is an idyll, this has not always been the case. William and Kate have been enjoying their love story for almost 14 years. In a more than harmonious marriage, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had three children – Princes George and Louis and Princess Charlotte.
It is generally known that William and Kate met while studying at the prestigious university “St. Andrews ”. After they both graduated, they had fun for a few more years, and then in 2010, Prince William proudly introduced his fiancée Kate Middleton to the whole world. A year later, they prepared one of the most glamorous weddings, and soon after that they became the happy parents of the first child.

Yet in the meantime, they had some ups and downs in their relationship. There was some cheating involved, according to the media, but never confirmed, and also one shameful way of a break up.
The new book “Battle of the Brothers”, which recently saw the light of day, brings details about the relationship between Kate and William, which few people know about. According to Robert Lacey, the young prince was not a humble family man, as he is today.
Namely, the author of the book states that the relationship between Duchess Kate Middleton and Prince William was not always idyllic. In fact, at one point, the young prince did something unacceptable, leaving Kate on the phone. At that moment, Kate Middleton was at work and a sudden call broke her. After an hour of conversation, William decided to leave her and enjoy a crazy time.

“Kate excused herself from a meeting at Jigsaw, the fashion store with which she’d recently started working, to take a call from William in a room out of earshot of the other buyers,” Lacey wrote, “She shut the door for more than an hour. When she came out, she was single.”
During that time, Prince William was seeing girls, appeared at almost all parties, and as if he could hardly wait for freedom, he was extremely happy. Yet, that wasn’t the case.

The source close to Prince told the author that girls only wanted to have fun with William, but he knew that none of them would be like Kate. He realized that the only reason he broke up was because many were expecting the ring on Kate’s finger, but he wasn’t actually ready for it.
The young Prince then turned to his family and royal obligations, which never bypassed him, because he is the second in line for the throne. During that time, Kate went through a painful period.

Although they broke up, the former couple was still in contact at the time. They even arranged a joint New Year celebration. The Prince agreed to that, but after a while he decided to still refuse the invitation in order to be with his family and grandmother in Sandringham at that time, at a traditional family gathering.
For Kate, life in England at that time, along with the media and the paparazzi who followed in her footsteps, was very difficult. Because of that, at one point she decided to leave the country. With her mother and closest friends, she went to Ireland, where she spent some time briefly forgetting about love problems.

The break-up lasted 3 months, and the Prince endured it harder than he expected. Although he dated a lot of girls, he really missed Kate. The break-up happened in 2007, after which, as Lacey writes, the whole family fought for the return of Kate, who married William in 2011.
As Lacei claims, he also missed her family with whom he entered into an unbreakable bond. The whole family realized how important Kate was to William, so the Queen invited her to a Christmas lunch, to reconcile. However, the Duchess of Cambridge said she would come to the family lunch exclusively as the Prince’s fiancée.

After that William and Kate reconciled and were together again. A few years later, the Prince proposed to his longtime partner, and then in the first joint interview, they spoke honestly about their quarrels frm the past.

This year, they celebrated their tenth anniversary with their three beautiful children, and shared many photos and a video for the occasion.