Wigs are the best way to cover up your thinning hair or your bald spots. When you wear a wig, you will give the illusion of naturally healthy hair. Just like wigs are the best option for a cover-up, they are also a good option for experimenting with a new look. Celebrities wear wigs when they want to try a new hairstyle. This prevents their hair for from getting damaged by the constant use of products.

Now that you have decided that you want to buy a wig you have to decide which wig to buy. Let us make your decision easier with this suggestion: lace front wigs. Read on to know more lace front wig?

What is a Lace Front Wig?

When you are wearing a wig, the last thing you want to think about is it looking unnatural on you. And every day new wigs are coming out which would look more and more realistic on you. And one such wig is the lace front wig.

A lace front wig has a cap that is made of sheer lace. This sheer lace is extended towards the front and side of the lace. This gives a more natural look to the wig-wearer.

Lace front wigs are known to be one of the most natural-looking wigs. The sheer lace melts with your scalp and makes the lace front wig look as natural as possible. You can cut off the excess lace from the front and the side and make your baby hair visible for the wig to look even more natural.

Now that you know what a human hair wig is, you might hear some rumours about it too. Well, read on clear yourself of all the myths about a lace front wig!

Know your myths and facts about lace front wigs

Researching about something before buying it is very common. It is the same for wigs. When getting a wig, you will be researching about it on the internet. You will research if buying a wig is a worthwhile investment, what is the ideal cost of a wig and the kind of wig that will suit you best.

When you do conduct this research, you will find many myths about wigs. Lace front wigs are a popular option. And there are many myths about a lace front wig too. So, let us clear out these myths about lace front wigs for you.

All wigs look fake

The biggest concern of a wig wearer is for their wigs to look natural. Because it is a common belief that wigs never look like real hair.

Truth: As new wigs come in the market the more and more the wigs look natural on you. Many technological advancements have been made. Lace front wig is one such product that looks as natural as your real hair. The cap blends in perfectly with your scalp with the thin material of the lace.

Lace Front Wigs are uncomfortable and hot just like any other wig

Wearing something of your hair can feel uncomfortable. Wearing a cap for the whole day can be uncomfortable. And many believe that wearing a wig can have a similar effect. First-time wig-wearers believe that wearing a wig makes their scalp not only sweaty but also itchy.

Truth: This myth is completely false. A lace front wig has lace material on its cap. The material is thin and is easily breathable. You can trust a lace front wigs to make you feel comfortable during the day. The sheer lace will almost make you feel as if the wig is undetectable, both by you and by others who look at you. So, you won’t even know that you are wearing a wig. Say goodbye to irritation and itchy scalp!

Lace front wigs slow down the growth of natural hair

According to, common rumour about wigs is that they reduce hair growth and causes excessive hair loss. One would assume that having their scalp covered for long periods would cause these problems. Is it the truth?

Truth: This rumour is false! Wearing a wig does not impact natural hair growth at all. And with the amount to breathability provided by a lace front wig, there will be no harm caused to your natural hair.

Lace front wigs cannot be worn every day

Be it for styling purposes or comfort, many women believe that wearing a wig is not something to be done regularly. Is that the case?

Truth: We going to show you that you can wear wigs every day. Without even feeling as if you’re wearing one! A lace front wig is a perfect option for you if you want to wear a wig every day. It is comfortable on your scalp while also giving away a very natural look.

Lace front wigs fall off when you bend down or in a strong wind

All those movies that you have seen in which the wig falling off ends up becoming a comic scene? It is a common fear of most of the wig wearers that it might become a reality. Let us know the truth about this myth.

Truth: Well this myth is not exactly true. If you apply a wig properly then you don’t have to worry about it falling off. In ancient times, we used to have wigs which would come in one-for-all sizes. But these are not the old times, there are customised wigs available now. Lace front wigs are made of sheer lace and hence can easily fit on your head. You can apply wig tape to make the wig stick properly if you are too worried.


We hope to have cleared out most of your doubts and myths about human hair wigs. If you still have doubts about getting yourself a lace front wig, you can drop us a text and clear away your doubts. Share this blog with your friends and family to clear away their doubts and myths about lace front wigs too!