Melania Trump

ECONOTIMES – 05/12/2020: Unlike her husband, Melania Trump acts conscientiously during the coronavirus pandemic. She launched a couple of PSA videos, pleading people to act healthy during the crisis. Furthermore, she was leading by example, creating and respecting health protocols in the White House. One of the main things she insists on is testing her staffers on a regular basis.

Unlike Donald Trump, the First Lady insists on wearing face masks. After the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised people to wear them, Melania also pleaded for this action. In April, she shared a video asking her followers and American people to respect this guideline. She also shared a photo wearing one herself.

Melania Trump

Melania Trump has her offices in the White House in the East Wing, and this is where she installed most of her measures against coronavirus. The First Lady insists on wearing masks and social distancing in addition to frequent testings. Most members of her staff have their body temperatures measured daily.

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Most recently, Melania Trump retweeted CDC’s tweet that calls for people to respect their guidelines. This was their message that the First Lady endorsed: “You can help slow the spread of #COVID19. Practice #socialdistancing. Keep at least six feet of physical distance between yourself and others. Wear a cloth face covering when out for essential trips. More tips at”

According to sources close to the White House, Melania will continue to insist on these measures until the crisis is resolved. They are a must for the 12 staffers that work jointly with her. We could only hope that Donald Trump was at least a little like his wife regarding COVID-19.


By Sinisav