Ivanka Trump
Source: nypost.com

Joe Biden isn’t safe from any member of the Trump family. The first daughter Ivanka Trump spoke about Biden after the Democrat nominee commented that the only person talking about coronavirus should be Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Ivanka Trump decided to comment on the situation using her Twitter account. Donald Trump’s eldest daughter wrote: “Dr. (Deborah) Birx is an Army Colonel and a subject matter expert who has dedicated her life to fighting infectious diseases. Why shouldn’t she also be able to speak?”

Ivanka Trump
Source: people.com

During an interview with TMJ4, Joe Biden said this about White House’s coronavirus task force: “We’d be better off if the only person we heard from the White House was Dr. Fauci.”

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Dr. Fauci often is not on the same page as President Trump. The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases is against the quick opening of the United States that POTUS is pushing. Fauci wants a broader spectrum of testings before this happens.

On Monday, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that opening the states at this moment could create another spike in the number of this infected in the coming months.

During the same interview, Biden mentioned Trump’s administration and POTUS himself more than once. The democrat nominee believes that Donald Trump shouldn’t force the prolonged press conferences every day. Biden said: “Follow the science. We’re taking too much time.”

Unlike Biden, there are those who think the opposite, such as Trump Victory rep Anna Kelly. She stated: President Trump has led a decisive and aggressive approach against the coronavirus since January, and he continues to prioritize the health and safety of the American people, especially our most vulnerable.”

Source: nypost.com

By Sinisav