
The spears saga is getting another u-turn. We didn’t see this one coming, and it is quite spooky. This story is going to be a focal point of the upcoming documentary focused on the singer’s life in the captivity of her father conducted through conservatorship.

With each day we are only finding out just how much control did Jamie had over his daughter’s life. It would seem that he knew no boundaries and that he overlooked her texts, calls, and even browsing history. All of this is going to be revealed in the new documentary. The members of the Free Britney movement will not be happy once this story is confirmed.


The New York Times Presents: Controlling Britney Spears is the name of the documentary which is available on the Hulu streaming platform. It premiered on Friday, and the walls of the crashed and the burning house of Jamie Spears are already shaking. This story comes from one member of the security team tasked with watching over Britney Spears. The Toxic singer had her phone under parental control which was all part of the conservatorship process which lasted for more than a decade.

The bodyguard in question is named Alex Vlasov who worked for Black Box Security for almost a decade from 2012 to 2024. Talking to the creators of the documentary he said: “Britney wanted to get an iPhone … and that was a big deal. Everybody was worried. My boss, Edan Yemini approached me and asked me, ‘Is there any monitoring services for an iPhone that you are aware of?’ And I’m like, ‘What do you mean?’ And he’s like, ‘Well, parental controls. Is there any way you can put parental controls on an iPhone? And that’s when Edan explained to me that Britney’s communication is monitored for her security and protection.”

This is not an orthodox practice among the security teams and Alex was immediately worried. There were no legal grounds to monitor her phone, by any means. But, Vlasov was assured they had court permission to do so: “Edan said, ‘Yes, the court is aware of this. Britney’s lawyer is aware of this. This is for her safety. It’s for her protection. And then Robin Greenhill came up with the idea of, ‘Why don’t we just take an iPad, sign in with an iCloud account on there, the same iCloud that Britney would use on her phone, and that would mirror all activity?’ You would be able to see all messages, all FaceTime calls, notes, browser history, photographs.”

According to Alex Vlasov, this was precisely what they eventually did, and by that everything Britney did on her phone was monitored by her father and Greenhill. The iPad used for monitoring was kept at a safe location in a safe. Vlasov also added: “Their reason for monitoring was looking for bad influence, looking for potential illegal activity that might happen, but they would also monitor conversations with her friends, with her mom, with her lawyer Sam Ingham. If there’s anybody that should be off-limits, it should be Britney’s lawyer.”

Doing this in California is illegal, and so far it remains unclear if any court issued permission to monitor Britney’s phone. The lawyer of Jamie Spears stated that everything was done with the singer’s knowledge and consent. At the same time, the attorney of Eden Yemini said: “Black Box has always conducted themselves within professional, ethical and legal bounds, and they are particularly proud of their work in keeping Ms. Spears safe for many years.”

Whatever the case might be, we will definitively know more in the coming days, after the hearing scheduled for September 29th, when more will be clear of the Britney Spears conservatorship and its end. Also, we’ll definitely ear if any legal service is going to look into these allegations which are grave no matter how you look at them.