Online platforms and websites have been accumulating data about users for decades now. Almost anyone with internet access has entered their information online which has been fed to a larger database. However, the chunks of information stored by the internet are not illegal and can be accessed by anyone. If you are searching for information about a specific person, you might be able to easily land on websites that offer exactly what you seek. Here is how you can dig up more:
Google Search

The largest and most trusted platform to look for information is Google Search. You might have some information already about the person like first and last name. Combined, the two can bring up information about their Facebook account, LinkedIn or other information. One thing leads to another and you might be successful in tracing information that you are looking for.
FamilyTreeNow & Ancestry

These two are the places where you can easily gather information about someone online. The data at FamilyTreeNow includes information about people who are alive or either recently deceased. After 40 years of compiling data, it now has results for up to 1.6 billion records. You can enter the name and come across relevant information.
On the other hand, Ancestry usually has information regarding your ancestors but it has also publicly stated that some present information about individuals can be found too. Both of these sources are legal and can be accessed to find information about someone.
Public Records

Another way that you can access information online without violating legal regulations is through public records. This can include historical and vital records which can be found at record offices that have open source of data available. On the other hand, some governments might set up online sources to provide legal information about the civilians as well.
In the USA and UK, government datasets can be accessed by anyone.
Online Obituaries
If you are looking for information about someone who might no longer be alive, you can access which includes genealogies. In fact, there are links that can further help you reach out to chunks of information that might help your search. Other things you can find through online obituaries include death notices, probate indexes and burial records.
There are other websites that focus on the information about dead people leading up to their families and other related information that you can access online. Other things you can find through online obituaries include death notices, probate indexes and burial records although, according to Castle Wealth Management, if the deceased set up a trust no public records on their assets and property distribution will be available.
Google Alert

Google also gives you a chance to track information about a certain person as soon as it appears with the Google Alert. If you fail to find something relevant in your first search, this will help you find out more if the search engine is updated with new information.
Generally, these are the most common ways for anyone to look up and access information about another individual through online sources within the legal limits. Similar websites such as have been set up with accumulated data that you can look up easily and legally.