Being part of a band is nothing less than an adventure for new drummers, but in all this, they are exposed to incredibly high sound, and it could be of severe consequences. So, if you are one of them, then you surely need to find a solution to this problem as it’s hard to step away from it if that’s your passion. The ultimate solution these days is using headphones but what to look for while buying a headset for this purpose? There are a couple of things, but the most important one is to look for excellent noise cancellation, so the sound which is being produced doesn’t hurt you.

What to Look For

The central part, you are looking for in headphones as a drummer is how much ambient noise cancellation it provides. Moreover, you want the sound produced by headset to be crispy and balanced. Wireless earphones are usually not the best choice in this scenario so you should be looking for wired ones with external amplification in terms of proper link cable to get the best sound quality. Another essential thing which you should consider while going for the headset is the comfort level. As a drummer, you might end up doing a session for a more extended period, and you surely don’t want fatigue at the end of these sessions.

How to Choose the Right One

Now you know what to look for while buying the headset, but another problem which most of the people encounter is the broad market of headsets with lack of specified ones for drummers. Moreover, you also must consider the budget which you want to spend for getting the best one for you. You can visit here to check out the top recommendations for drummers as the article describes the features as well as focuses on the comfort level provided by the cans and ranks them accordingly. Lastly, I know you are thinking why I mentioned not to go for wireless as they are more convenient and you don’t have to worry about the cord, right? Let’s address this one.

Why Wired & Not Wireless


The debate of wired and wireless is complicated and long-lasting, but as a drummer, you can consider battery, audio quality, durability, and price. For wireless headsets battery is an inconvenience as I mentioned earlier if you are up for extended sessions then you will have to worry about the battery which couldn’t last longer for average wireless earphones. Moreover, the audio quality is considered better for wired cans as Bluetooth simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to keep up with excellent wired headsets and can be easily influenced by external forces. The price of both wired and wireless could be high depending on the features and company but in general wireless headphones offering same features are more expensive than the wired ones.


After going through all the information provided above, I’m pretty sure now you have a better idea of what to look for while buying drumming headphones as well as where you can find the right ones while keeping your budget in check.