Melania Trump

EXPRESS – 01/17/2020: There’s a more in-depth story behind Melania Trump’s desire to renovate the White House. It seems she didn’t want to have anything in it that would remind her of Michelle and Barack Obama. The thing that bothered her the most was the color schemes chosen by previous occupants.

This information hit the newsstands after Kate Bennett’s book ‘Free Melania: The Unauthorized Biography,’ was published. The space in question that got to Melania the most is the third-floor solarium. This is a private part of the White House, and Barack and Michelle loved to spend time there. They adored it so much that a lot of effort and funds were spent in making it the way they wanted. After Obama’s finished with it, it looked nothing like it was before.

Melania Trump

But, not everyone has the same taste. The current First Lady was not a big fan of color schemes in the solarium. Because of this, she simply had to make everything according to her tastes. The colors in question are beige and burnt orange. Melania got this changed as soon as she became the First Lady. According to Bennett’s book ‘Free Melania: The Unauthorized Biography,’ every part of the decor was removed by Melania.

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If her information is accurate, the previous renovations were paid by Barack and Michelle Obama, and by the end of their 8-year stay, it accumulated to $1.5 million in expenses. Now, none of the things are present that could remind Melania or Donald of previous First Lady and Mr. President. The furniture is now traditionally white and warm.

The book holds many details like this that show the relations between the current and former occupants, but also between the presidential couple. If you are interested in more juicy details, you should get your copy of ‘Free Melania: The Unauthorized Biography.’


By Sinisav