A frontend developer is a person who is in charge of the visual and interactive aspects of a website, for everything you see when you enter a particular page. So, from this one sentence, it is clear to us that a front-end developer is a very strong link between a client and a trader in any business. Many think that this is the job of the designer, which is partly true because it is the designer who creates the visual identity of the site, but it is the developer who will “revive” it.
When it comes to promoting your business online, it’s understandable that it’s an area you either don’t understand enough about, or you just don’t have enough time to devote to it. This means that you will need a professional internet marketing company, ie one that will improve the look of your site in order to attract new, future customers, and take it to a whole new level.

Front-End Developer is the person in charge of the visible part of the website. You are expected to show an exceptional eye for detail, and to respect the designer’s decisions. The front-end is, as the name suggests, the part of the code that refers to the front (visible) side web applications. The results of this code are visible to the user in the form of an interface that allows user interaction and the application itself. The front-end developer is in charge of the final design of the web platform, and proper programming the same. Then the back-end developer has an insight into the very structure and appearance of the platform, and around it, the code creates the functionalities that the platform itself offers.
It is no secret that programming today is a sought-after and well-paid job, and for these reasons more and more people are trying to learn and get a job as a programmer. In order for someone to become a programmer, it is necessary to have general knowledge of computers, Internet, networks, mobile devices.

You need to understand the concepts: working memory (RAM), general memory (HDD, SSD…), screen resolution, processor (CPU), graphics card (GPU), internet connection, internet speed, IP address, Domain (website address), TLD (domain extensions: .com, .net…), operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac OS…), processes, files, file types, etc. You don’t need math to program, but someone who knows math has a better chance of becoming a good programmer and later to progress more. However, algorithms are something that the future programmer knows.
Today, you can easily find many front-end development developers or companies, but if you want to get the service you expect, the search may be a little harder. Read on to find out what you need to pay attention to before hiring.
The acquired knowledge (diploma) is very important, but what is certainly more important is the experience and previous projects that speak for themselves. If you are intrigued by a development company and want to know if you are on the right track in search, ask them to introduce you to some of their previous completed projects or satisfied clients. It is normal that in this business, as in any other, we should give preference to experienced developers who have years of work and effort behind them.
What you need to pay attention to is that the website of the company has a good visual impression, easy navigation, clear content, a blog where new content related to its business is constantly published, and that it has a responsive web design, which adapts to the visitor browser (additionally adapted for Smartphones, tablets and all other high-tech devices on which there is an Internet option).

A number of internet marketing companies claim to employ only experts in the field. That is not always true. On the website of the company, you are interested in, in the section “About us”, you should find all the necessary information about the company, the boss, employees, the activity they cover, etc. Also, their blog is a good indicator of their experience.
The developers of a front-end development company should have a “good eye”, that is, to easily recognize what the client wants and what is offered as the best solution. In addition, good developers usually have open accounts on GitHub, Dribble, or other platforms where potential clients can see their work, but also comment on it.
In addition, communication is very important. If you are not at the “same level”, it is better not to start cooperating.
With the advancement of development technologies, ways of development are also developing. It is necessary to constantly study new ways of development because they find solutions to current problems in the development or optimization of existing systems. Development technologies branch into two frontend and backend branches however due to the high speed of development there is a specialization for one branch sometimes also an area within one branch.
Thanks to development technologies and development methodologies, it is possible to create the necessary system with a minimum of production time. Every year, the development of development technologies is accelerating, which also forces development engineers to specialize in one area. Further growth of applications and their market is expected.
The first approach to identifying opportunities is to observe trends and study how to create opportunities for entrepreneurs to follow. The most important trends that need to be observed are: economic trends, social trends, technological advances, and political activity, and change legal regulations. It is important to understand that opportunity and idea are not the same. An idea is a thought, impression, or concept. An idea may or may not meet the criteria of opportunity. This is extremely important because many entrepreneurial ventures fail not because the entrepreneurs who started them did not work well, but because there was never a real opportunity. Before you get too excited about the idea, you need to is to check whether the idea meets a particular need and whether it meets the criteria of opportunity.