Ivanka Trump
Source: quora.com

EXPRESS – 03/03/2020: In recent weeks Donald Trump is under scrutiny for his administration’s inability to deal appropriately with the threat that is a coronavirus. His daughter Ivanka didn’t agree with the solution her father had for the health crisis the US is having right now. Trump’s idea wasn’t accepted at first, but now many Republicans are starting to stand behind it.

Donald Trump decided to cut back on funding of the health sector. This could backfire to him at the moment. Yes, the economy prospered under Trump, but even the market is suffering now under pressure from coronavirus. These two things combined could be a massive hit to his campaign.

Ivanka Trump
Source: edition.cnn.com

It is a known fact that a large scale catastrophe can damage one chance of being elected in the office. In the past, Barack Obama had a financial crisis while George W. Bush had the Katrina hurricane. Today, Trump could be in trouble if the named virus starts spreading across the States.

Read Also: Trump Claims Treatment For Coronavirus is Not Far Away

But, some people claim that even if the virus starts spreading, it won’t be Donald Trump’s fault. Scottie Nell Hughes, who is a political commentator, argues that if the US were using President’s immigration policies, there wouldn’t be coronavirus in the United States. What he suggests is tighter control on the US borders.

While there are people who agree with Donald Trump on his immigrant policies, it is surprising that his daughter Ivanka Trump doesn’t. To her, it’s not about the coronavirus entering the US but about separating families. When asked about this subject, Ivanka said: “I feel very strongly about that, I am very vehemently against family separation and the separation of parents and children.”

While Trump downplays the danger of coronavirus, it would be interesting to hear what Ivanka thinks about it spreading in the US. Especially now that we know that she doesn’t blindly follow her father.

Source: express.co.uk

By Sinisav