
EXPRESS – 03/24/2020: Many theories are surrounding the appearance of coronavirus. People believe that the events we have today were predicted by prophets and mystics such as Nostradamus and Baba Vanga. But, the ludicrous theories go even further, as some believe that even the famous pop-star Madonna predicted the COVID-19 pandemic.

The coronavirus spread across the world, and now we have a global pandemic and more than 310,000 people infected. The virus appeared last year, in November, in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Because the entire world now has to deal with it, people started to theorize where did it come from, how did it spread globally, and who and when predicted it.


The theories are many, and they get crazier every day. Some claim that Nostradamus knew about it in the 16th century. Others argue that Baba Vanga knew about COVID-19 back in 1996, while some trust that Sylvia Browne, a self-titled psychic, talked about it in 2008.

Read Also: Madonna Posts a Bizarre Bathtub Video on Instagram

Now, we have those who claim that world-famous superstar Madonna also predicted coronavirus pandemic. They believe so because of her stage appearance during the 2019 Eurovision song contest in Israel last year when she performed her song Future.

The commentators on her YouTube video are convinced in this theory. One YouTube user wrote: “Her singing ‘Not everyone is coming to the future, not everyone is learning from the past.’ while pointing her finger at the audience while wearing a crown (corona in greek is crown) while the dancers around her are wearing gas masks and massive fires and burnt buildings are shown on the screen behind her just hits different during a COVID-19 pandemic after massive fires in Australia and the Amazon rainforest… My inner conspiracy theorist is shook.”

Others joined in, stating: “This is evil. And people dancing around and clapping. Disgusting. She is telling you, not everyone is going to make it to the future. Coronavirus…”

You have the video above so you can check it out by yourself and be the judge: Did Madonna predict the coronavirus pandemic?


By Sinisav