Today, there are as many brands and models of baby carriers which can be quite daunting for new parents-to-be. They range from the relatively simple, to the fairly complex.
How to Pick the Best Baby Carrier?
If you’re looking to buy a baby carrier, the first thing you need to figure out is what type of baby carrier best suits you, and read reviews online.
You need to know there are mainly 5 types of baby carriers available, according to, Which are Baby sling Carrier, Wrap Carrier, Mei Tai Baby Carrier, Soft Structured Carrier (SSC) and Baby Backpacks Carrier.
Wearing your baby has a number of benefits not only for a baby such as social, emotional, and physical development but also for a parent as it adds ease and convenience to your daily routine.

Baby carrying or “wearing” your baby in a carrier can be an excellent solution to tricky and often not-so-safe one-handed juggle that mums have to deal with like holding a baby in one hand and at the same time trying to do daily tasks. Using a baby carrier in crowded places like airports, shopping malls, or sporting events can allow avoiding the hassle of navigating a bulky push-chair or stroller.
Wearing a baby provides a hands-free solution for parents in situations like running errands, shopping, walking, or hiking and is advised by experts.
In order to make sure you choose the best carrier for your baby, you should be familiar with the basic parts of a baby carrier.
1. Padded shoulder belt
2. Adjustable Buckle
3. Sleeping support
4. Separated carry parts
5. Padded waist belt
6. Waist buckle
7. Safety support
8. Chest belt
9. Shoulder strap buckle
10. Shoulder pad
Are there any benefits for a baby and a parent?

Pediatric experts agree that when babies are kept close to a parent in a baby carrier, they tend to be calmer and cry less. Baby wearing also promotes attachment parenting that is benedictional for baby’s social, emotional and physical development as carrying a baby, increasing the bond between a parent and a baby. Today “baby wearing” method of parenting has become as natural and accepted as using a push-chair.
What to Look Out for in a Good Carrier
When looking for a baby carrier, check that the carrier you are buying offers full support for a baby’s spine, head, pelvis and thighs, and the baby can be easily monitored (make sure nothing obstructs baby’s face or impedes breathing). It is also important to check that the carrier is made from good quality materials and doesn’t have a fault in material and construction.

For parents, it is also important to check that weight is comfortably distributed, uneven distribution of weight can result in back pain. A baby carrier that ties around your waist can offer better support for parents who carry regularly.
When choosing a baby carrier you also need to consider whether you’d like to be able to carry two children of different ages, or whether you’d like to use only one carrier from birth to toddler as many carriers have an age range of about twelve to eighteen months (e.g., buckle carriers or Mei Tai carriers), whilst other may only be suitable for six months or so.
Please check the information provided by the manufacturer advising on the weight of the baby for a particular carrier.