Start-up entrepreneurs are generally willing to do whatever it takes to expand their commercial operations. These aspiring owners have an open mind when it comes to adopting different marketing techniques. They want to reach out to their target audience with innovative products or services.

Only then can they notice a significant increase in their bottom-line profits over time. This is what they want at the end of the day. Prominent industry leaders specializing in this field recommend implementing an SMS marketing campaign. The experts at ClickSend can help you determine an effective SMS marketing strategy that will enable you to send and receive text messages across the US and around the globe. Taking this course of action can help you to achieve the results you are seeking.

Why should entrepreneurs focus on SMS marketing?

These professionals state these entrepreneurs need to be aware of an important statistic which concerns them. Research shows 98% of consumers constantly receive and send text messages via their smartphones. They spent most of their time browsing through the information on this device than their laptops. Moreover, 50 % of these individuals are willing to share their contact numbers with new businesses. However, they expect to receive lucrative bargains from such concerns for doing so as an incentive. The proprietors shouldn’t consider the people who constitute their target audience to be any different. They should be adopting a strategy which attracts the attention of such individuals. This is where SMS marketing comes into the picture.

The specialists further point out the following 6 important reasons why start-up entrepreneurs should implement an SMS campaign:

  1. Cost-effective

Start-up entrepreneurs need to face a very harsh reality. They don’t have extensive resources at their disposal, especially in the initial stages of establishing their businesses. They can’t compare themselves to large companies. These owners need to use their money they have prudently when launching a marketing campaign. They should expect lucrative returns on their investment by taking this step. Otherwise, the entire exercise is simply a waste of time, energy and resources. This is the last thing they want. Fortunately, this is not the case when they launch an SMS marketing campaign in the market. Taking this step, they can easily reach out to their target audience. In the process, they don’t have to dig too deep into their pockets.
  1. Extremely high conversion rates

The probability of the customers opening and browsing through a text marketing message is very high. In fact, experts estimate that the open rate for campaigns falling under this category is almost 90%. These individuals also are likely to read the relevant information with 3 minutes of receiving it. This is also 3 times greater than the ones coming under the email variant. It’s is a fact which most start-up entrepreneurs can’t avoid to ignore at any costs. That’s why many of them don’t have second thoughts about adopting such strategies. However, they also need to come up with one which appeals to their target audience. Only then can they fulfill their overall objectives. These proprietors should note that the conversion rate of such forms of advertisement is just as high. They can expect individuals are falling into this group to acknowledge their ‘call-to-action’ features.

  1. Generate instant feedback

Start-up entrepreneurs can’t deny the fact that smartphones are an integral part of most people’s lives. Even they carry such devices with them wherever they go. Specialists from credible organizations like say this makes SMS marketing is even more important for them. They connect with members of their target audience in a manner they couldn’t imagine possible.

Moreover, they can get instant feedback from such individuals from the campaign they launch. With such information, they can then take whatever steps are necessary to improve their products. That’s how these owners intend to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. They also get an insight into the success or failure of their campaigns.

  1. Lucrative returns of investment

Before launching a marketing campaign, entrepreneurs have one very important concern. They want to know whether they make enough money to recover the cost of their investment. If this is not the case, these businessmen need to keep options open. Start-up proprietors should consider themselves to be a separate breed. They have similar apprehensions before taking such steps. Fortunately, the implementation of a suitable SMS marketing strategy can put all their doubts to rest. It is possible for them to earn lucrative returns on the money they spend. It’s a far cry from similar marketing techniques available to them. This is something which they can’t afford to overlook.
  1. Brand loyalty

This is another very important aspect which start-up proprietors can’t ignore. They can easily generate viable brand loyalty for their products among their target audience. However, this is only possible when SMS marketing campaigns they launch in the market are successful. With time more people will get to know about such goods. Many of them even take the initiative to buy them. This takes these owners one-step closer to dominating the market. Soon these businessmen are in a position to take on the might of large corporate enterprises. This is what they want at the end of the day.

  1. The non-existence of spam filters

With SMS marketing, start-up entrepreneurs don’t have to lose sleep over an important issue. The likelihood of the promotional text messages sending out spam folders of customers is non-existent. These individuals will get the information these owners sent via this marketing campaign. It is them up to these people whether to respond to it or not. However, they generally do reply within a short time span. This is a far cry from traditional email variant.

Formulating and implementing a suitable SMS marketing campaign for their customers is a necessity for start-up entrepreneurs. Taking this step can works wonders for them with a very short time period. The above 6 important reasons for this course of action proves this fact beyond any doubt. It can bring them closer to their target audience in the market. They are also in a position to promote the brand image of their products among such individuals. In the process, they’ll be able to measure the success of their efforts by their bottom-line profits. It takes them one step closer to making their mark in this environment.