Melania Trump

POLITICO – 02/04/2020: POTUS can’t do it all by himself. Thankfully he has the First Lady Melania Trump to help out. Donald’s presidential campaign for 2024 general elections is well underway, and it needs financing. Of course, people will claim that a billionaire such as Trump can finance his campaign from private funds, but there’s more to it. Fundraising events are places where you collect not only money but also connections and support.

President will have a busy schedule in the coming months. Because of that, Melania Trump will be in charge of his first two fundraising parties. The first one will happen at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on March 18th. March 25th is the date of the second one, which will be hosted in Beverly Hills.

Melania Trump

Melania will be the host of both fundraisers, which will be the first time she headlines this type of event. The First Lady did her duties as the wife of a President, but she looked like someone who avoids the spotlight. Heading a fundraising party for a Presidential campaign is a huge responsibility, and it remains to be seen if Melania has what it takes.

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Donald Trump has more experience in events such as these, but as we mentioned, he will not be able to attend due to other obligations. But, on the bright side, Melania certainly has an appeal to be a successful host. Ex-model will join other members of the Trump family who also have experience in matters of raising funds for political campaigns.

In the past, both of Donald’s sons from his first marriage were guests at fundraising events. Also, the husband of Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, has vast experience in this area. In the past, his father held events like these to collect funds for the Democrat party.

Republicans and Trump did an excellent job of gathering money for the upcoming elections. It is believed that they have a joint fond worth $463 million.


By Sinisav