INDEPENDENT – 02/23/2020: It was some time ago that a dog named Conan helped the US military in taking out ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Back then, US President Donald Trump complained that the dog got more publicity for the deed than himself. Now, a couple of months later, he still holds the grudge.
The feud between POTUS and Conan is real as it can get. During his rally in Arizona, Mr. Trump dedicated a segment of his speech to this dog, but not for good reasons. Somewhere in-between Hillary Clinton and lousy democrats, Conan once again was the center of Trump’s attention.

As it’s usually the case during his rallies and caucuses, Donald Trump blew fire on Democrats and all those who tried to impeach him. There’s no word of any of his wrongdoing, but only about those who wanted to take down the US democracy by attacking him.
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While it might seem reasonable to Trump to take a U-turn from this subject to a Navy Seal dog Conan, it’s not to us. But, he did it nonetheless. The dog in question was wounded during a Navy Seal action which took out Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and was consequentially awarded a medal became a focal point of Trump’s speech in Arizona.
Regarding the dog, President Trump said: “Remember the dog, great dog, Conan. When we took out – right? We love Conan. Conan’s a tough dog. But when we took out Al-Baghdadi, Conan, remember this? Conan got more publicity than President Trump. That’s ok.”
The dog, Conan, had a brief moment of glory, which was quickly forgotten by probably everyone who knew about, minus his comrades from Navy Seals. But not by President Trump. It seems that POTUS can’t forgive Conan for stealing his spotlight. Or, maybe Conan declared to be an anti-Trump dog, but we still haven’t heard about it.