Research papers are not all the same. The approach you use will largely depend on the field in which you are operating. That being said, there are many principles that generally remain unchanged. If you want to write a computer programming research paper, then you must first learn how to write a research paper in general.
Again the structure doesn’t necessarily change. Of course, on top of sections like abstract, introduction, and background, you must also talk about related work and future work.
As far as the actual steps of writing the paper are concerned, your process will probably involve the following:

1) You need to start by determining what you wish to do. If the objective is to create an entirely new programming language, then it is imperative that you first learn compiler designing.
This is where it all begins. Get the basics down and then try writing some languages. Try to focus your efforts on developing a language that mimics English in some way.
Or at the very least, it should feature actual words spoken by people. This will make the language easier to develop. Other people will also have an easier time learning it and adapting your concepts to their work. You can actually test it beforehand at services like, professional educators and tutors will take a look.
2) When someone says that creating a programming language, which sounds like English is easy, they simply mean that your project will be relatively straightforward. However, the actual coding will be quite complex.
For this reason, you have to get help. Start by finding other people in your field that have the expertise to help you execute your project. Use the internet. Read the works of other programmers that have performed similar tasks.
Just because you acquired assistance to complete your paper doesn’t mean that you can’t take ownership of your achievements.
Most significant programming achievements involved some form of collaboration.

3) Do not forget to determine the purpose of your language before you start coding. When you first settle down to work on your paper, no one will fault you for taking a bit of time to experiment.
This is how most great ideas are fermented. You have to take a moment to throw a few balls at the wall to see what sticks. But eventually, your project will require direction. And you can only acquire direction by determining the purpose of your language.
You should only proceed with the hard work of coding once you have determined your objective. Again, do not be afraid to seek help. Talk to other programmers and try to understand their problems and demands.
4) In a way, these initial steps are not that different from any other student must undertake when they are searching for a topic. A computer programming research paper also requires a topic.
And it is worth noting that you don’t have to actually take the messy approach outlined above. Some students prefer to kick start their research paper by reading other papers in their field, determining their point of interest and then attacking the initial stages of language development.
They have no interest in throwing balls at the wall and seeing what sticks. They want to know beforehand what they wish to accomplish, and that is equally admirable.

5) You should always use your guide if you have one. They will give your process structure. They can also resolve any doubts you might have. The same goes for your supervisor.
Even if your topic is so esoteric that they lack the personal knowledge required to aid you, they can still provide you with a list of all the essential reading you need to do to start and complete your research paper.
It could be argued that if you know how to write an ordinary research paper, you cannot fail to produce one on computer programming. Of course, the topic you choose will determine the difficulty you ultimately encounter.
It is easy to succeed in situations where your research paper is merely retreading old ground. Things become far murkier when you choose to break new ground. In such cases, you have no tangible guidance to rely on.
But this is why collaboration is encouraged. Share every draft of your paper that you produce. You will quickly find that a lot of people have quite a bit of knowledge to contribute to your innovation.