Source: Vox

Chris Christie, the face of Republican resistance to Trump, has come out with new detrimental allegations. On Monday, the former New Jersey Governor told “The View” that Melania Trump treated him very differently than the former President while he was in the hospital due to COVID. Furthermore, Christie claims that the president leaked confidential information to the media.

Christie revealed that the former first lady called him every morning while he was at the ICU. Further, Melania “would call my wife after that to see if she needed anything”. Unlike his wife, Donald Trump, according to Christie, was more concerned about his public image. “Are you going to say you got it from me?” Christie said Trump asked him. The excerpt was taken from Christie’s new book “Republican Rescue: Saving the Party from Truth Deniers, Conspiracy Theorists, and the Dangerous Policies of Joe Biden”.

Trump and Christie came down with the virus at the same time during which the former President called the former Governor several times. However, Christie claims that the only reason Trump ever called him is to make sure that he won’t be blamed for spreading the disease. “What he was most concerned about was that I wasn’t gonna blame him,” Christie said.

Christie’s book goes on to reveal that Donald Trump was the one who leaked to the media that he was offered the job of chief-of-staff in 2018. At the time, the current chief John Kelly and Trump had a fallout, and the President was searching for his successor. Christie wrote that there were only three people present in the room – Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and himself. his initial answer was that he will reconsider the offer. However, in a matter of hours, the story was leaked to the media.

Source: AP

The former Governor’s hesitation came from the fact that he prosecuted Jared Kushner’s father, Charles, back when he was the US attorney. This was also the reason for removing him from Trump’s campaign in 2016. Despite all of it, this time around Jared and Ivanka Kushner were pushing for Christie to accept the position. However, Christie decided otherwise. When he informed Trump about turning down the offer, Christie says that the former president was clearly disappointed.

Ivanka Trump

Christie asked Trump whether he knows who leaked the story to the press. “It was a great story, right? It was good for you and good for me. It was good,” Trump said. When Christie again asked him who had leaked it, Trump said, “I did it myself.” Chris was in disbelief. First, that Trump did it, and then that he admitted to it.

Source: Forbes

During his presidency, Trump was known to have some harsh words for the ones that leak information to the media comparing it to treason. “Leakers are traitors and cowards, and we will find out who they are!” Trump, who is now permanently banned from Twitter, wrote in May 2018. Further, when someone shared the intelligence that Trump and his family hid in the bunkers during the antiracism protests, the president Tweeted that whoever did it “should be executed”.