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Actor Tom Hanks, 63, announced a few hours ago that he and his wife, actress and singer Rita Wilson, had contracted the coronavirus.

The couple is currently quarantined in Australia, which was reported to the public by a famous actor on Twitter, thereby becoming the first Hollywood star to announce coronavirus diagnosis.

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The son of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Chet Hanks responded with a video message, stating that he believed everything would be okay and that he recently had a conversation with his parents.

Read Also: Tom Hanks Has Coronavirus!

“What up, everyone. Yeah, it’s true, my parents got coronavirus. Crazy. They’re both down in Australia right now because my dad was shooting a movie down there, but I just got off the phone with them. They both are fine, they’re not even that sick”, he said in a video.

“I don’t think it’s anything to be too worried about. I appreciate everyone’s concern and well wishes. I think it’s all going to be alright. I appreciate it. Everybody stay safe out there. Much love”, Chet continued.

The 25-year-old added: “They’re not even that sick. They’re not worried about it. They’re not tripping, but they’re going through the necessary health precautions obviously.”

“I don’t think it’s anything to be too worried about. I appreciate everyone’s concern and well wishes. I think it’s all going to be alright. I appreciate it. Everybody stay safe out there. Much love”, Chet Hanks concluded.