
The heiress to the respectable and widely famous Italian jewelry and fashion giant “BVLGARI,” Anna Bulgari Calissoni, has died at the golden age of 93.

She was the descendant of the founder of “BVLGARI,” Sotirios Voulgaris, the Greek gentleman who started the company. Anna lived in Italy, but she knew and respected her Greek roots.


Anna involved herself heavily in humanitarian work and collaborated with many charities. After the tragedy that happened to her family in 1983, she removed herself completely from the public and media. A group of kidnappers took her and her teenage son Giorgio.

Source: Profimedia

The perpetrators held them in the mountains for 35 days on the cold floor of a mountain-hill house. After the ransom was paid, they released Anna and her then 16-year-old son. However, they had cut one of Giorgio’s ears to show everyone they were serious about their motives.

“They cut the ear of my son so they could get the ransom. The kidnappers were from Sardinia. Murderers. They held us on the floor and cold in a mountain for 35 days. My family payed them four million lira, that is, 2 million euros. My child was strong. He said nothing. They cut off his ear with a knife. I lost 10 years of my life. It was horrific.”


Following the incident, she lived a very secluded life in a small town of Aprilia, near Rome, with her husband who was the major. Her family’s firm was bought out in 2011 by the French company LVMH.

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