Since the beginning of this year, Billie Eilish has been dating her new boyfriend Matthew Tyler Vorce. Who exactly is Billie’s new guy?
Little is known about the 29-year old Vorce, except that he’s dating a 19-year old pop superstar. The couple was first seen back in April cozying up in Santa Barbara, but other than being the boyfriend of the songstress, Vorce is not known to a wide audience. However, he describes himself as an “Actor. Writer. Degenerate.” on social media. The “actor” part is true since Vorce did have some small parts in eight movies so far, but he remains to be just another struggling actor in Hollywood waiting for his big break.

The Vorce’s scandalous statements
The media managed to dig up some old posts where Vorce is expressing his homophobic and racist views. The actor swiftly went on Instagram Stories to apologize and partially explain his discriminatory outbursts. “I am ashamed and deeply sorry that I used them in any context. It is not how I was raised and it is not what I stand for,” he continued. “I shouldn’t have used this language in the first place and I won’t use it again. I am so sorry for the hurt I have caused”, Vorce stated to the fans.
Throughout the whole ordeal, the “Bad Boy” singer stayed silent, not commenting on her relationship status, Vorce’s outrageous affair, or his extorted apology.

Both are notoriously private
Still, the singer and the up-and-coming actor seem to have something in common – they are notoriously private people. Last year, Billie spoke about her need to keep her personal affairs to herself. “I’ve had relationships and kept them private, and even the ones that I’ve had — with the tiny amount that I’ve let the world see — I regret”, she said on “Capital Breakfast”. “I think about the people that have made their relationships public, and then they break up, and it’s like ‘What if it goes bad?'”.
Being notoriously secretive might be one of the things that keep them together. Vorce’s Instagram account is private, and he doesn’t have Twitter or Facebook page. Further, the couple does not attend any affairs together keeping their personal stuff away from the cameras. However, they were caught by the paparazzi while being out and about Los Angeles often carrying cups of coffee.

So far, the “Lovely” singer did not comment on her newfound romance with Vorce. Their faces are covered with masks every time they do go out adding to the mysterious actor and writer persona. Both were tight-lipped about their relationship supposedly oblivious to the cameras following them around.