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Famous model and actress Amber Rose revealed on Instagram that she is scheduled for liposuction just a month after she gave birth to her second child. Rose said she couldn’t stand her body after childbirth.

In mid-October, she gave birth to a boy named Slash Electric Alexander Edwards. It was a difficult pregnancy where the model suffered from extreme morning sickness. Rose already has a six-year-old Sebastian Taylor Thomaz with her former partner Wiz Khalifa.

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“So I’m here at Dr. Matlock’s office, and I’m about to get my whole body done after the baby, and if you wanna get your body done or you need some work doneā€¦ he’s gonna take out some of my jowls that just like, hereditary, runs in my family, so he’s gonna fix that”, the 36-year-old star said in a video wearing a hospital gown.

Rose shared her excitement with her fans. “And he’s gonna suck all the baby fat out of my stomach. I’m about to go in this morning, and I’m super excited”.