Practical Advice for Kids Struggling with Academics

Academics and peer pressure are the two most used terms in a kid’s ever-changing school life. With the growing need of the hour, a kid often faces the challenge of becoming an all-rounder in school.

Back-to-back mathematics and science classes can indeed kill a young mind’s desire to explore the world. Piles of average assessment reports and angry faces of parents can easily break a little kid’s will and hope.

However, learning should never be a boring stressful journey as this is the period that later becomes memorable in every kid’s life.

While celebrations for each milestone achieved are important, children should also be advised on how to tackle the immense pressure of academia.

This article lists some suggestions that might help kids deal with academic challenges.

1. Online for a Different Reason

Online education

Online education has existed for a long time.

However, it has gained more popularity after our recent huddle with COVID-19. Instead of squirming at the changes, you can leverage this situation and make studying interesting.

Interactive videos, educational games, quizzes, and puzzles are some of the ways to do it. Various e-learning platforms even arrange prizes for kids who can solve a certain problem or complete a module in time.

2. Your Mother is Right, the Smartphone is your Enemy

Yes, it is often hard to keep down your smartphone and bury your nose in books, but it is the only way to meet the deadlines of the assignments or complete the syllabus.

Restricting usage does not mean giving up, rather it means using the phone for limited hours.

Talk with your parents and fix a schedule of when you are allowed to use the phone for personal use.

At first, it might feel uncomfortable to not have your device right by your side all the time. But in the long run, you will see how your focus has grown and how much you can study and retain in a shorter period.

3. Clean and Quiet

Clean and Quiet

If you have siblings playing around in the house or your parents are talking with guests you would not be able to concentrate.

It is always better to have a little space in the house dedicated to studies and reading. Quietness is a factor that is a must-have for studying efficiently and coping with academic challenges.

Also, a highly required factor is a clean study desk.

A silent study room and organized desk would always motivate you to meet your goals and help you stay focused.

4. Take a Break—have a Kitkat!

Use short breaks to help your mind relax. The mantra is to not force yourself to the brink of anxiety but to be an efficient learner.

It is okay to not understand a certain problem or question.

Ask your parents for help or your friends and ultimately your teacher if the doubt persists.

Taking breaks when you are overwhelmed is needed.

Use this time to connect with your family members over little chitchats or have a bowl of snacks!

In other words, do anything that would help you find your urge to study again.

5. Routine and Timetables

Routine and Timetables

Sticking to the same routine every day is hard. Some interesting modifications in it, like nap breaks, can prove helpful to get your work done.

Use colorful stationery to highlight and add fun to a simple routine that chalks out your study schedule.

You can take inspiration from your school timetable and allot time accordingly.

Ask an adult to chip in with their suggestions and include break times to keep the routine interesting.

It’d be great if you can change this table weekly or monthly so that your brain does not get tired.

6. Build your Vocabulary

As a kid, if you come across some complex word, try to spell it first.

You can use the internet to listen to its pronunciation and spelling. Once you get hold of it, memorize and write the spelling. This approach helps a student to learn better and have a good vocabulary.

Building vocabulary is a skill that comes in handy as one gradually gets promoted to higher classes and needs to write essays.

However, if you’re unable to multitask you can get help from academic writers, such as from WritersPerHour, to help you get tailored essays and assignments. These writers may take some load off your shoulders, especially if you’re nearing your exams and assignments aren’t done.

7. One Thing at a Time

One Thing at a Time

It is often good to separate a module or topic into smaller sections and study them individually.

A kid’s mind might find it hard to study the entire chapter in one sitting. Hence, it is better to encourage shorter frequent lessons.

You can even use flashcards and highlighters to make the process fun and interesting.

8. Seek Help When Needed

Self-studying is great but it might not work out for everyone. Taking control of your learning approach is necessary but if you are finding it hard to understand try to get additional tutors.

Private tutors can ease your burden of studying all alone. Parents don’t always know the exact curriculum and approach to learning but tutors can help you with all these. They can help you understand topics at a greater level.

Teachers at school often have scattered focus and might not guide you individually. However, private tutors can concentrate on your weaknesses and be there with you throughout the learning journey.


Don’t worry if you have scored less or lagged in the class.

As long as you keep your basic understanding clear there’s always room for improvement.

Gradually, as you get promoted to new grades in school you face greater challenges. But these challenges are more like video game levels that hide treasures at the end of them.

Remember, it might be hard now but it won’t be after some practice, strategic learning, and insightful discussions with peers and teachers.

Try and follow the simple methods listed above and implement them to make learning fun again!