The hat is an impossible accessory not to have in your wardrobe and more if summer is getting closer. There are an infinite variety of hat styles with their defined shapes and materials, but there is a kind of hat that is sure to draw your attention for all the features it has and its versatility when it comes to combining them with all wardrobe styles. Dare to try something different from what you were used to. 

And it is the well-known Panama Hat or also called Montecristi hat. Originally made in Ecuador, in the city of Montecristi, this hat has been woven in this country for hundreds of years by the skilled hands of artisans, but it rose to international fame when it was imported into the construction of the Panama Canal. Hundreds of straw hats from Ecuador to give to the workers while they were building the canal in 1914, hence their name Panama hats, but they are 100% Ecuadorian.

How is this hat made?

The hat is made entirely of natural fiber (Toquilla Straw) and woven by hand, becoming an accessory with unique characteristics, as each one is made from start to finish, by the hands of an experienced weaver, who throughout her life has dedicated himself to perfecting himself in the magic of the weaving of a Toquilla straw hat, which results in this accessory becoming an almost exclusive piece, as each craftswoman has her peculiar way of weaving, making each hat unique and with fine finishes. More info about it at EcuadorianHands.

Surely you must ask yourself why a hat that appears to be simple can be of fine qualities, and it is very easy, because depending on the degree of weaving of each hat, it can last from two to six months, the more complex and detailed it is the fabric a craftswoman uses to make the hat, the hat is finer and therefore also more expensive, and hence its precious value, since its origin is entirely handmade. It is a job that requires a lot of precision and attention that does not only depend on a single factor,

since the quality of the toquilla straw, the uniform color, the resistance of the fiber are reviewed, and then it is preceded with a fabric that results in the Panama hat.

How to combine the hat with your wardrobe styles?

But probably you will have doubts about how you could combine this accessory with the different styles of outfit that exist, here I will help you with five types of wardrobe with which you can use your hat. Due to the sobriety of the hat design, its neutral color that can be combined with different colors and costume prints and the ease of being able to use it with elegant or fresh styles give it unmatched versatility that can make it fun to combine with your favorite clothes.

1.  A casual and informal style

Undoubtedly a quite usual style in the daily life of any person, because it allows you to be fresh and relaxed. How about denim pants, a white or light-colored blouse, a jacket with your favorite flats or heels, that sounds tempting to go outside to have a coffee with your friends and enjoy a pleasant gathering, or to go shopping, you can combine the straw hat with any of your favorite casual clothes, it will give a touch of originality to this set and it will give you the confidence to look fresh but with a slight elegant air, you can accompany it with your slightly wavy hair or with a simple bow. Dare to try it.

2.  Boho Chic style

It is a very relaxed style, and very replicated among young people, do not hesitate to try your hat with a style that is a mix between the bohemian and the hippie with a tendency to the country. You can build your Boho style with a light and loose dress, preferably printed or neutral with small details of nuanced colors, your matching belt, large earrings and matching bracelets, the hair can be worn straight or wavy, or semi- gathered with braids, You can complement everything that makes you feel comfortable in this style with your hat.

3.  Original Hipster style

Have fun with an alternative style, a mixture that integrates some grunge and with a tendency to the urban that denotes originality, making you see with enough personality where you can play with garments of other styles such as vintage. You can combine your hat with a skirt of some dark color such as red wine, a blouse of fresh coral color fabric, your favorite ankle boots and your relaxed and loose hair, some wine tips that will match your glasses, take a risk to play and try styles.

4.  Western a warm style

An air of the old west, where short jeans, vests, and leather boots, give an attitude of warmth and liberality, obtaining this style is very simple and with a straw hat you will look super summery and fun. You can love this outfit with your Texan boots, leather garments with fringes of neutral colors, long T-shirts or your favorite top if it is very hot, accompany it with scarves, accessories such as earrings and bracelets and above all, a lot of attitude, the hair as you will know should go free, the good thing about accompanying him with a hat is that the more natural and free your hair looks, the more interesting you will look, enjoy playing with this style.

5.  Trendy style

For a casual look to look great with your Panama hat and make you look fabulous, the key is to be able to combine it with the correct garments that you surely have in your closet, such as a cardigan that leaves your shoulder uncovered, and complement it to match neutral skinny jeans, you can also risk wearing jeans with floral graphics, and a neutral-colored blouse, this look is perfect for a sunny day and if you harmonize them with high-heeled sandals, you will look super cool. You can also wear long striped dresses that accompanies your sandals will make you look fresh and relaxed.

If you dare to wear this peculiar hat, with which you can combine many styles and colors and that you will undoubtedly have in your closet, surely these looks will adapt incomparably to you, just feel safe and fresh so that you can wear everything you want and you’ll feel good. Don’t forget that a hat not only protects you from the sun, but it also gives you style, a lot of personality, and above all the comfort you always look for when wearing an outfit.