
Reinvigorating your home with a new splash of color, a new pattern or a fresh texture can have a major impact not only on its appearance, but on your mood.

Home is much more than just a place to sleep; it sets the stage for the majority of situations in someone’s life. Luckily, there are a plethora of ways people can spruce up their homes without that much of an investment of their time or money, with perhaps the best among them being the feature wall.

A feature wall allows people to show off or highlight a certain wall in a room, and when done properly, a feature wall can be a great addition to any home.

In this article, we will be telling you 5 of the best tips homeowners can employ in order to accentuate a feature and spruce up their homes, all of which will be relatively stress-free and simple.

1. Flooring Can Make a Big difference


One of the easiest yet most effective ways of giving your feature wall an edge is to simply opt to replace your old flooring with something a little more modern and fresher.

In turn, your flooring can either make or break your feature wall and having flooring that compliments your feature wall really is essential.

The choice of flooring you opt to get is really up to you, but going for something like parquet flooring (which you can see if you click here) will do wonders for your home, and it will certainly give things a fresh feel and allow people to focus much more on your feature wall.

People can oftentimes forget about the basics that make up the majority of someone’s home interior appearance. Things like flooring and wallpaper are perhaps the things that will make the most difference if you change, and it’s a smart idea to consider doing them first if you are hoping to accentuate a feature wall.

Whether you get parquet flooring, engineered wood flooring, laminate flooring, or any other type of flooring, as long as you get something that is attractive to you and complementary to the vibe your feature wall creates, it really doesn’t matter.

2. Décor & Paintings


Having paintings or select pieces of décor on your feature wall can really help it to stand out, especially if they stand out from the rest of the room.

Décor, as well as art, always has a certain allure, and it is known to draw people’s attention, and this is perfect for those who are looking to highlight a certain area of a room as you can utilize this to your advantage.

It doesn’t really matter what kind of art you choose to adorn your feature wall with. However, the more eccentric said piece is, the more likely it will be to draw the attention of onlookers. Remember that less is often more, so try adding just one piece at a time until the balance feels right.

3. Add a Touch of Nature


If you aren’t interested in making a big change such as the flooring or wallpaper, or you have already done so and still are not satisfied, there is another route you can go which is much simpler.

Nature has a certain appeal when it comes to making something feel and look alive, and this is something you can use to your advantage if you apply this same process to your feature wall.

There are a variety of ways one can incorporate a little bit of nature onto their feature wall, but the most common ones that we see all the time are people buying alive potted plants or flowers, artwork centered around nature (which fits in perfectly with our last point), or perhaps even opting to get a fish tank or reptile enclosure to place on the said feature wall.

The way you choose to apply this point is not really that important, and you could do a few or even all of the methods we previously mentioned. However, if you are looking for ways to make your feature wall stand out, using nature to your advantage is certainly one of the best things you can do.

4. Lights Can Grab People’s Attention

Perhaps the simplest method of drawing attention to a feature wall on our list is simply using LED lights or lighting.

Using some sort of hanging light or perhaps even something a little more creative such as a decoration piece that also serves as a lamp.

Not only can this help garner the attention of guests and put more of an emphasis on your feature wall, but lighting can also give a somewhat relaxing atmosphere, especially at night.

Of course, you’ll want to make sure that whatever lights you choose fit in with the theme of your feature wall and room, and if they don’t, things can easily come across as a little tacky and ingenious.

5. Color is a Powerful Tool


It’s no secret that color has life-bringing properties, and it is perhaps one of the best ways you can make your feature wall feel a little more vibrant. Just by simply adding a few colorful decorations on your feature wall you will notice a big shift in the atmosphere of your home, and it’s something that can be done with relative ease.

How far you go with this point is completely up to you, and you could go as wild as you wish.

If you yourself are interested in adding a little more to your own feature wall or fancy a change, feel free to take any of the ideas we mentioned throughout this article and apply them to your own home.

It’s only natural to want to change things around in your home from time to time, and there’s nothing stopping you from creating the home of your dreams.

On the other hand, if you are happy with your home and do not want to change anything about it, that’s also completely fine! Everyone’s home is completely under their control to do what they would like, and there is no reason you should change anything unless you want to do so yourself.