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To improve operational efficiency and employees’ productivity and communicate seamlessly, most business enterprises now avail IP Telephony Services. Gone are the days when businesses had no option other than to use analog phones for communication. Besides the advent of hi-tech devices and the availability of the internet worldwide, the remarkable evolution of information technology has opened new avenues to communicate.

Communicating with a person or many people simultaneously over the internet is now a reality because of the internet telephony technology. It has incredibly benefited individuals and companies alike. Businesses that avail hosted IP telephony services from a reliable provider can now always stay connected to everyone who matters. Visit if you want to invest in such a beneficial service, which can help you receive calls from your office hassle-free even when you are at a remote location.

The faster your company resolves issues with employees, partners and suppliers aside from offering complete assistance timely to customers, the better will be its reputation. You can only do all these things effectively when you streamline communication, and for which you need to avail top-quality and cost-effective internet telephony services.

What is IP Telephony All About?

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The common term used to refer to the technology, which makes use of various protocols to exchange information, is IP or Internet Protocol telephony. In discrete packets-form, the call travels over the internet. You probably know that the most extensive network of computers connected together worldwide is the internet.

It facilitates a person or organization to disseminate information and data using internet protocols throughout the network. The set of languages and guidelines that computers employ to communicate among them without hassle is protocol. Many refer to IP telephony services as VoIP services. However, there’s a difference.

Voice over Internet Protocol is notably more specific, and it elucidates the exact technologies, which deliver voice calling and voice mail via IP-based networks. On the other hand, IP telephony is a term that refers to technologies and products apart from voice and non-voice based features. Learn more about how a VoIP system functions.

IP Telephony Challenges

Before shedding light on all those points that have been compelling more companies, regardless of the industry and size, to invest in IP telephony services, let’s look at IP telephony shortcomings.

  • 911 Calls-related Issues: Callers need to register their house or office address with their IP telephony service provider. Neglecting the same can make one experience 911 call-related problems. VoIP 911 calls won’t provide a caller’s exact location and contact number information.
  • Frequent Server Latency: Make sure that you have a high-speed and secure internet connection before you invest in VoIP services. You may encounter server latency issues whenever the internet connection gets disrupted.
  • Power Problems: Most businesses experience this particular problem whenever there are power outages. If you connect your IP telephony systems to your office power supplies during power outages, they won’t function properly.

Why IP Telephony over Analog Telephony?

1. Cost Savings

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Choosing IP telephony services over analog can help you save a substantial amount of money. Earlier, the cost would increase with the installation of every new phone line. If you are required to make several long-distance and international calls for your business purposes, there’s no better alternative to VoIP services.

You need not pay for per minute of call time when you leverage IP telephony technology. The gross call expenses daily or monthly get reduced significantly because the system uses the internet for seamless functioning. A VoIP system is instrumental in helping a company save 32 call minutes/day.

2. Affordable Software and Hardware

When you contact a trusted IP telephony service provider, you will certainly receive updated software and hardware within your budget. You won’t have to separately invest in purchasing phones and setting up infrastructure in your business space. Hence, every company nowadays chooses VoIP over analog.

3. Seamless Communication

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You can easily attend calls and enjoy a seamless communication experience even when you are not in your office when you avail VoIP services. You or a designated employee can answer urgent calls on the go after installing IP telephony systems.

Doing so can also help you spend less time checking voicemail. Disruption less communication with partners, suppliers and clients/customers can help your company earn their trust and generate more revenue.

4. Supremely Reliable

One of the biggest reasons that compel more companies to invest in IP telephony services is reliability. You should know that even if office phone lines go down owing to network issues, the IP telephony system will still forward calls to smartphones and other communication devices immediately. You can attend important calls without worrying about any disruptions due to the low strength of the network if you avail highly reliable VoIP services.

5. Easy to Integrate

To improve the operational efficiency of your business, you probably leverage multiple systems and cutting-edge technologies and tools. Know that you won’t encounter any challenges integrating the IP telephony system with the existing infrastructure. There isn’t any necessity to make significant changes to your IT systems or existing applications while you integrate VoIP.

6. Top-Notch Scalability

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With the requirements of a business organization, the need for scaling highly efficient existing business systems arises. A considerable number of companies opt for IP telephony over analog as the latter is easy to scale. Besides keeping things remarkably cost-effective, the scalability attribute of VoIP plays an instrumental role in improving efficiency and productivity.

7. Easily Transferable

Availing high-quality IP telephony service can help your business a lot as this is significantly mobile. You won’t encounter any problems transferring VoIP systems from your existing office space to a new one because of its mobility aspect.

The superior hosted IP telephony technology doesn’t need users to allot a unique number to every phone line. Hence, compared to analog telephony, transferring VoIP infrastructure is incredibly less complicated.

Final Words

Hopefully, now it is pretty much clear to you why it’s high time for business organizations to get in touch with a reputable IP telephony provider. Investing in cost-effective VoIP services can help you propel and maintain excellent communications with everyone who matters to your company.