
Many people are eager to catch up the solar eclipse as it is a very prominent event across the globe. Sun covering the moon is an anticipated sight that doesn’t happen every day. The skies were clear, and many people managed to see an eclipse that they didn’t witness since 1918. You can witness solar eclipse up close and personal if you travel in a flying private jet. 

If you are in the sky and not on the ground, you will see the sky up close, if you take solar eclipse flight. The commercial airplanes don’t have the ability to capture the solar eclipse, but it can be chased through a private jet.

Flying on the jet will give you a great calculation, and it will become easy to figure out the fascinating effects. You will find yourself flying in the clouds and the eclipse’s path will be clear at the right moment.

Flying on the Pacific Ocean and witnessing it in a private jet will give you a perfect view. The sun rises and the solar eclipse was witnessed at 9:48 a.m. PT. Millions of people witnessed the astonishing sight and people flew in the private jets to capture the sight.

Many people flew in the private jets and their trip was scheduled for Aug. 21 to witness the eclipse. Some people saw partial eclipse, and it seemed as if they are crossing the path before the eclipse touches the peak.

It’s all about the angle


If you want capture the sight of the eclipse then the angle counts a lot. The moving sun is seen via airplane, but when the eclipse begins, the sun is too far and is hardly visible if you travel in a commercial airplane.

The right angle on the sun will allow you to witness the solar eclipse while traveling in a private jet. The private jets can allow you to catch the eclipse f you fly on the Pacific Ocean. The sun is on the angle of 25 degrees on the horizon, and makes it convenient for you to catch the eclipse on the chapmanfreeborn.

Light and shadow

If you are not able to see the sun on the private jet, then it is possible that you are not in the right direction. It is best to change the light around you around because the moon might partially block it.

 Calculating your path


If you are going to ride on a private jet then you are likely to witness the eclipse. Your flight path will intersect with the path of the rising time of the eclipse. You can track and calculate your path if you contact a flight tracking services. The aware flight websites give you the moment-by-moment flight data and will allow you to track the past flights. They will also help you to find the best routes to estimate your plane’s latitude and positions while you are in the air.

Spectacular view

It was Schneider who experienced watch the first eclipse from the ground. The incident took place in 1970, and he wanted to travel around the world to get the biggest experiences. For many people who have got the opportunity to view the eclipse, it looks like a bit of a rollover the dice. The moon will cover the sun, and it is only 0.6 miles wide. It is visible only for a few seconds, but it gives a spectacular view never seen before. The aircraft will give a short and spectacular view and the passenger can get a delightful experience. It must be a thrilling experience for all those who have tried it out. The moon and sun’s size are very much alike, while the inner part of the sun seems more like a red ring around the moon. It is exciting to know that the moon will orbit the sun, but the moon’s distance from the Earth changes every year.

The moon’s size may seem to alter in the sky, but it is the same as the sun in reality. At the same time, the distance of Earth may seem different from Earth. The drops of the sun will sparkle all-around when you watch it from the aircraft giving an ethereal view from all corners. While sitting in a private jet, you are close to the moon and the sun, so their interaction will seem clearer. No one can spot it like this, but the private jet observers can certainly get the perfect views. The eclipse from the airplane, when watched from up above, will be a remarkable experience. If the eclipse occurs after sunset that will even be better to catch up with it. However, most of the chasers may not like to catch up with the eclipse during sunrise and sunset because the view may be covered with clouds.

Planning from the air


When you are planning to watch the eclipse from the air, it requires a lot of planning. The charter companies have to plan the flights accordingly so passengers can watch the solar eclipse from airplanes. Watching it from the ground will give a different experience altogether. You also need to coordinate with the flight crew, and unlike other flights, such an expedition requires more effort. They will have to plan multiple flight timings depending on the wind and clouds. The flight may get delayed due to an issue, but the passengers will miss out on their chance to see the eclipse.

If the shadow of the moon has passed, the actual view will be over. The charter has to move up in the air very soon so everything can be planned well. Ideally, the company will bring their aircraft two days before the eclipse. The seats are removed so the passengers can catch up with the perfect views without any difficulty or delay. The flight organizers have to maximize the viewing experience, or passengers won’t mind booking for the next time. However, it will be a wonderful experience for those who can catch up with the sight of the moon covering the sun.