After years of being seen as an emerging trend, explainer videos have finally made it into the mainstream. This engaging, powerful video type is no longer a nice-to-have content, but it’s now a must-have content in every savvy marketers’ toolbox.

The rise of explainer videos is a result of the high demand for this content. According to the latest video marketing stats compiled by Breadnbeyond, almost 40% of customers want to see explainer videos to learn more about a product.

Now, the question is: what makes explainer videos that great and effective?

The allure of explainer video is actually quite simple: in a world where customers are constantly bombarded with contents that seem so impersonal, explainer videos provide them with both captivating visual and compelling audio — making them easier to build such a personal, deep connection with the content.

To give you more insights, we’ll learn some other unique benefits of including explainer videos on your overall marketing campaigns.

#1. Catch More Eyeballs Faster

There are tons of videos that are uploaded to the internet every single second. It means it’s only getting much tougher for video marketers to cut through the noise and win viewers’ attention. Another talking head or a boring video just won’t cut it. That’s where explainer videos come in.

Explainer videos are catchy, especially when an animation is involved. Once the viewers click on the video, they’ll be spoiled with stunning, memorable visuals. The endearing characters and relatable script packed in a storytelling mode won’t only help you grab viewers’ attention faster but also hold it.

Not to mention that explainer videos typically start with the first few lines that present a relatable problem for the target audience. That’s a smart way to nail the audience’s attention and might as well get their ears to perk up.

#2. Deliver Your Brand Message Concisely

In this digital world, you can’t expect your customers to spend hours reading bulky paragraphs just to get juicy bits of information they’re looking for. Nobody has enough time for it.

However, explainer videos are well-known for their straightforwardness and conciseness. It only needs less than three minutes for explainer videos to deliver your brand message.

More than giving your audience explanations, explainer videos illustrate how something works or what your brand is all about. In this matter, both visuals and audio elements work in harmony and complement each other to deliver complex information in no time.

#3. Increase Viewers’ Retention

The human’s average attention span is shorter than a goldfish. Today, you only have eight seconds to capture the audience attention. In other words, creating long-winded and fluff content can only make them leave faster.

Even the most complex and abstract topics can be broken down into smaller and snackable chunks with explainer videos. It helps the viewers understand the crucial information much better.

They identify the problem and explain to the viewers how the product solves it. As simple as that. So, it should come as no surprise that the stats say that viewers retain at least 95% of content when they learn it through video.

#4. Incredibly Shareable

Unlike many other types of video, explainer videos can make your brand appear more creative. Especially animated explainer videos that allow you to create any fictional environment that real-life cameras can’t. This creativity can be a powerful brand recall and tends to convince the viewers to share it.

Explainer videos merely brag about the product’s capability or features. Instead, it relies heavily on storytelling. Thus, the unique story it delivers, the lovely and relatable characters, and the end-to-end solution it offers triggers the viewers to spread the word with their social network.

Moreover, it only needs one click to share the explainer video. So, even the laziest person can still share it with no effort.

#5. Boost Your Online Visibility

With its incredible shareability, explainer videos can boost your online presence. The more you share it, the more people will find and watch it. That’s why a great explainer video can drive high-quality traffic to your website via your social channels, backlinks, and give you greater organic visibility.

Not only with shareability, though, you can also boost your brand’s online presence with explainer videos as this engaging content is Google’s favorite.

A website with an explainer video 53 times more likely to sit on the first page of the Google search results. It means including explainer videos on your website or landing pages won’t only help your customers understand your brand better, but it also increases your SEO and online presence.

#6. Skyrocket Conversion Rates

As you already know, the more your explainer video gets shared, the more people will find it. And do you know what comes next? The more people get convinced to purchase your brand. That’s how you get an increased conversion rate.

Explainer videos also show what the product looks like in real life. Meanwhile, when it comes to services, explainer videos ensure to explain how it works. In this case, a great explainer video always highlights the benefits of the product or service for its customers instead of talking about how brilliant the products are.

This way, customers can gain confidence in your brand and help them make informed decisions much quicker.

#7. Highly Affordable

Another benefit you’ll get in adding explainer videos to your marketing toolbox is achieving maximum efficiency for a minimal cost. You can easily create your explainer videos with a bunch of video tools out there — from the free ones to affordable ones.

If you want to create an animated explainer video, you can also use premade templates that many sites have provided. From there, you can repurpose them based on your own liking.

Even when you get professionals to create it, the cost is much cheaper for all the benefits you’ll get. Therefore, even small businesses with a shoestring budget can create explainer videos for their marketing investment.

Wrapping Up

Explainer videos have now become a staple tool in marketers’ marketing campaigns. It’s not because explainer videos are a new trend. But, it’s because this engaging type of video is highly effective in improving their overall marketing strategy results.

Businesses of all sizes and in all industries can use them to present their brand, showcase their products or services, or deliver their brand story. Since explainer videos offer more creativity and conciseness, it makes sense why this type of videos is one of the most favorable video types across the internet.