With personal economic planning, you can analyze the current economic situation, set your goals to be achieved and formulate the plans that allow you to reach those goals. Through this, you will achieve better management of your finances and an improvement in your economic situation.

Developing a budget allows you to have greater control of expenses in the short, medium and long term helps prevent unforeseen events, makes it possible for families to know their savings capacity and can anticipate extra income throughout the year that they can use to clean up its portfolio.

Here we give you some steps, so you can start with proper economic planning in your daily life –

Know your economic situation

The first step in personal economic planning is to know your monetary situation. For this, ideally, make a personal economic statement.

Analyze your economic situation

With the information you received from, you need to analyze your economic situation. For example, your business relationship may reflect that your income is not enough to cover your expenses or that you spend a lot of money on outdoor meals or recreational activities.

Set economic goals

After analyzing your economic situation, don’t worry, you have to take action to improve the situation. Now you have to set the economic goals. First of all, you need to set your overall goals to help you achieve specific goals.

Some examples: Increase your income or decrease your debts or save more money. And then based on your general objectives, you have to set your specific objectives, these will help you measure your progress to achieve your General Objective, some examples: Reduce your monthly expenses by 30% for next month or save 100 dollars a week or the equivalent of your country’s currency or cancel the total debts for the second quarter of the year.

Design your action plan

Once you have established your economic goals, the next step is to make the plans that will allow you to reach those goals. For example, to increase your income, we could establish plans to request an increase in land, find a new job, increase your business sales, etc. To reduce your expenses, you could establish as a plan to stop buying coffee, eat more often at home or go out to eat once a week, etc. To cancel your debts, you could establish as a plan to cut credit cards, consolidate all your debts, allocate a percentage of your income for cancellation of debts, etc.

Create a personal budget

After defining your action plans, the last step for personal economic planning is to develop a budget person l. In this personal budget, you have to detail the income (salaries, business, rental income, etc.), and expenses (food, education, services, etc.), and the balance (income minus expenses) that you expect to have for the following months of the year; based on your economic situation and your action plans. And, finally, for a better personal economic planning, in addition to the personal budget, we could also elaborate a projected personal income statement, and a projected personal balance sheet, that is, a statement of results and a balance sheet as we projected to be for a date in the future.

Establish objectives and deadlines

The company must make a list of measurable, achievable and goal-oriented objectives that become a priority; which allows them to evaluate how it will be developed in the heading to which they belong.

Likewise, a manager should be delegated to be involved in the strategic projects of the entire organization, and develop an action plan detailing the budget, personnel, hours of work, expertise, among other resources, which will target each objective.