Dental sensitivity is a temporary pain caused by the exposure of dentine to external stimuli such as changes in temperature or acid products. If the dental sensitivity is not treated, it prevents carrying out correct oral hygiene and can lead to other pathologies such as caries and gum problems. Although many people suffer from this problem, few go to the dentist in search of a solution, perhaps because they believe that the treatment is complicated or very painful. Nothing is further from reality.

Causes of dental sensitivity

The disease of the gums or retracted gums is the most common cause from which people usually suffer from. Both leave the surface of the root exposed. Furthermore, activities, like brushing the teeth aggressively or eating acidic foods, can weaken the enamel and cause sensitivity. The grinding of the teeth (bruxism) also wears the surface of the tooth and the enamel. Teeth whitening is another common cause of sensitivity because the whitening product can affect the dentin of the tooth and cause the recession of the gums.

Prevention of dental sensitivity

Brushing and hygiene: The first thing is to maintain effective oral hygiene. It is necessary to learn the form of a good brushing, that does not exert much pressure on the teeth without taking care that these are very clean, free of tartar and food. It is advisable to use electric toothbrushes, which help to remove plaque with adequate pressure.

Avoid taking soft drinks, sweets and sugary drinks. The refined cash cereal that they sell in the self-service stores are dynamite for the teeth since the cereal tends to remain stuck between the teeth, even with a very thorough brushing, it costs to remove the stuck cereal. It is best not to eat them, especially not to let the children consume it daily since this type of product is really corrosive with the enamel of the teeth.

Avoid grinding your teeth or squeezing them when you feel tense, anxious or nervous.

It’s always better that you should consult with your doctor and ask for help. You can also find help online. Here at Bloom Vale Dental, you will find a team of expert professionals willing to help you and ensure you feel well. Check out for more info on Dental related issues.

Home remedies for sensitive teeth:

  1. Rinsing of fluoride or fluoride gel: can help reduce sensitivity especially for those with decayed teeth.
  2. Keep your teeth impeccable: the dirt on the teeth and the gummy substance that forms and accumulates in the contours of the teeth produces an acid that severely irritates the enamel. At least, brush your teeth twice a day, especially after you eat.
  3. Stop smoking! In addition to all the unfavorable consequences that tobacco brings, your teeth suffer a lot with the acids and toxic substances that it has.
  4. Do not drink soda or suck candy! If you drink soda or eat sweets, cookies, etc., at least rinse your mouth after eating them with a little pure water. Avoid chewing gum and chews, which are terrible for the teeth. Floss at least once a day, go soft between tooth and tooth, do not hurry to avoid hurting the gums.

When should you see a dentist in sensitivity case?

If the teeth are noticeably more sensitive, if you feel sharp or throbbing pain, or if the sensitivity persists, do not delay in making an appointment with the dentist. As with another oral health condition, it is important that you do not expect to consult a professional.

In case the sensitivity is caused by a broken or eroded tooth, it is better not to delay for the dentist to clean and seal it; otherwise, you risk an infection developing. Similarly, you should not ignore the symptoms of gum disease or retraction of the gums because when they retract the teeth become loose.

In many cases, the dentist may also prescribe a prescription rinse and a special toothpaste that relieves sensitivity. The dentist can also readjust or repair the broken dental restorations that cause sensitivity in the teeth.