Road trips – long-distance car journeys for pleasure – are one of the most exciting and memorable traveling experiences. You choose when and where to go, what to do, and there is no doubt that a successful road trip will forever stay in your memory.

However, road trips have their own sets of challenges and opportunities and planning one can be a bit difficult and requires some of your effort and time. Here are some tips you can follow when planning your route, stops, and everything else.

Choose your destination

This might be an obvious tip, but it is still an important thing to consider. If you are going on your first road trip, picking a nearby destination might be a better choice. Even if it is just for a day, you will still be able to spend some time driving, visit a new place, at the same time checking if the entire experience is something that you enjoy. If you end up liking it, you can make your next trip a longer one.

Plan your route and stops in detail

Depending on your travel style, and what is preferable for people traveling with you, you should plan your route and stops carefully and together. To avoid ruining your trip and to save yourself from unnecessary stress, make sure that everyone is on the same page. There are a variety of websites and apps that can help you with mapping out your journey.

For example, there is a website you can use to check the distance between your starting location and destination. It offers you a map of your route and helps you find all possible stops you might need, like gas stations, available inns, and hotels where you can rest for the night, and more. It also calculates your travel time and fuel costs.

Other services might provide you with available restaurants, museums, parks, and other roadside attractions along your route.

You should also plan whether you will take back roads or the highway. Highways will get you to your destination quicker, but back roads offer you more beautiful and interesting views. Whatever you choose in the end, just remember that cooperating and compromising with your fellow passengers is important.

Be prepared for the unexpected

Unfortunately, no matter how much you plan, you should be prepared for things to go differently sometimes. You might encounter certain situations like road construction, car accidents, or bridges being out, and they might slow you down, but they shouldn’t stress you out. Simply embrace it as a part of your experience.

Keep an open mind and your plans loose

A part of creating a perfect road trip route is to keep your plans loose and have an open mind. Certain apps and services will help you map out all the stops you want to make, but you never know what other opportunities and experiences might arise along the way. This is why it is a good idea to include some free time in your itinerary, just in case something interesting comes along.

In the end, always remember that the drive is the main part of your trip, so don’t be in a rush. It should be an unforgettable experience, as long as you try to plan as much as possible ahead of time.