Professor Jill Tracy Jacobs Biden, 68, is an American educator and the former Second Lady of the United States. She is the wife of Joe Biden, the 47th Vice President of the United States.

She is best known for her work and advocating for the military families when her husband served next to President Barack Obama. However, there is much more to her life than being married to a vice president.

In one interview, she said, “I attended community college in Pennsylvania with the goal of studying fashion merchandising, but I discovered that I didn’t really like it, so I dropped out.”

She met Joe when he saw her on a bus ad, while she worked as a model. She told Vogue in 2008, “I might’ve done five jobs where you get paid, like, 20 bucks. But I wasn’t a model.” In a separate interview, she said the following about the start of their relationship:

“I was a senior, and I had been dating guys in jeans and clogs and T-shirts, he came to the door and he had a sport coat and loafers, and I thought, ‘God, this is never going to work, not in a million years.’ He was nine years older than I am! But we went out to see “A Man and a Woman” at the movie theater in Philadelphia, and we really hit it off. When we came home … he shook my hand good night … I went upstairs and called my mother at 1:00 a.m. and said, ‘Mom, I finally met a gentleman.'”

Joe and Jill had a daughter in 1981, after which Jill went back to school and earned two master’s degrees, one from West Chester University, and the other from Villanova University. Following these achievements, she taught at Delaware Technical and Community and Claymont High School. In 2007, she earned her doctorate at the University of Delaware.

At the time of her husband’s vice presidential oath, she was a teacher at Northern Virginia Community College. During her time as the second lady, she still worked full time, the first on her position to do so.

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When Obama started his second term, Jill started working with military families, women’s rights in African countries, and breast cancer awareness. She also wrote books including “Where the Light Enters” about her relationship with Joe, and children’s books “Don’t Forget” and “God Bless Our Troops”.


At the moment, Jill is supporting her husband on his presidential campaign. They are separated a lot, but still find time for each other when they do not discuss work. She says, “I’m telling you we have very few moments together, so I tried to make the most of those moments, and I don’t talk politics.”