So much of the hard work that is undertaken with using shampoo to facilitate hair growth is done in the shower. Given the dozens of variables that exist between each consumer, it is a valuable exercise to engage in best practice at every step of the way.

From the condition of the scalp, the temperature of the water, the humidity in the air, the amount of hair, the exposure to outside weather conditions and the time the solution is left to rest in the scalp – each element plays a unique role in the process.

When turning that tap on in the morning and preparing the formula, it is important to follow a number of key points that will assist in the journey to natural hair growth.

Pick The Right Formula

Before we outline what should be done inside the shower, we need to take a step back and understand which shampoo is actually ideal for hair growth. The top brands will look to include properties that are directly tied to follicle development. This will feature caffeine, vitamin A, B2, C, D and E, keratin, cayenne and a myriad of other variables ranging from biotin to peppermint oil and beyond.

Shampoo in Moderation

Even shampoos that are uniquely designed to facilitate hair growth can be overdone for men and women. The objective of applying these items is usually to remove dirt and product buildup but continued use can prove to be more trouble than it is worth. This is often a result of finding a solution that is packed with sulfates, a process that works to remove key oils that help to facilitate growth. That is an issue that can be balanced with a conditioner.

Use a Cold Rinse

The use of a cold rinse might not be what the doctor ordered for a start to the day, but it can be a process that improves the chances of hair growth after applying the max 3 shampoo formula. This is an activity that helps to hold the moisture into the scalp and makes for a smoother texture for the outer layer of the hair. Heating the hair strands can cause them to thin and split, providing a challenge that is counterproductive for the consumer regardless of their age or gender.

Don’t Wrap Head In a Towel

Many women opt to wrap their head in a towel to maintain the integrity of their wash and to protect it before being dried and combed for the day ahead. However, when it comes to the domain of hair growth, this can be a matter of one step forward and two steps backward. This can be attributed to the fabrics that are situated within the towel – creating friction between the follicles and providing unwanted split ends.

Remove All Residue

If you need to remain in the shower for an extra minute or two to ensure all of the shampoo residues is removed, then it will be time well spent. This will help to remove irritation from the surface of the scalp as well as allowing the hair to naturally settle.

There are extra steps for men and women can take outside of the shower that can assist with their own hair growth journey. Altering a personal diet is a good method to ensure that the body is taking the right types of ingredients, including a healthy dose of vitamins A, C, D and E as well as biotin, caffeine, folic acid and peppermint oil. It is also important to avoid the continued use of heating appliances, picking a soft pillowcase that doesn’t engage in follicle friction and only brushing lightly in moderation. These are small details in the overall scheme, but they will be valuable when helping to facilitate healthy and organic hair growth.