The Coronavirus pandemic is definitely one of the worst disasters to befall mankind in the last few decades. Its effects have not only been felt by those who are infected with the menacing disease, but also with those who are affected by it in one way or another. Most of the major economies of the world have been shaken by this terrible misfortune and the financial world has been brought to its knees. What’s more, the disease has affected people beyond the economic realm; COVID-19 has had some detrimental effects on the mental and emotional well-being of people around the world.
Fears brought about by the deadly effects of the novel coronavirus disease have led many people into anxiety attacks which can be just as traumatizing as catching the disease. Moreover, due to the severity of the disease, many companies have been forced to lay off hundreds of thousands of employees, which is also another root cause of Coronavirus anxiety and depression. Handling such anxiety can be quite a daunting task for some; this is especially because the virus is extremely contagious and lethal. Even so, not all hope is lost for there are several techniques that people can use to deal with COVID-19. Perhaps one of the most controversial yet effective ways to do this is through retail therapy.
Retail therapy is the act of shopping for goods in order to make you more cheerful. Although shopping in itself cannot be considered as a type of therapy, many studies have shown that shopping can make people feel a lot better and lighten up their mood. One such study conducted by Penn State Researchers ascertained that more than 60 percent of all regular shoppers have made purchases on websites such as buyartjewels, in an effort to lift their moods. Although it is said that material goods won’t make us truly happy, there’s no denying that purchasing something for yourself can have lots of positive effects on a person’s mental and emotional health.
Research conducted by the Journal of Consumer Psychology, it was concluded that retail therapy has the potential to cheer people up and fight any lingering sadness or depression.
The Effects of Shopping On Stress
When under stress and pressure, especially in times of uncertainty, we react differently to shopping. During such times when we feel like we’re not in control, shopping often seems like a sensible activity. Although this may seem unusual, it happens more often than we think. Also, the effects of shopping therapy are known to be very long-lasting and effective.
Even so, there’s a downside to shopping therapy; one that may make someone reconsider exercising it. When shopping becomes more compulsive and regular, it can have rather detrimental effects on the financial well-being of the individual.
This exercise may lead to unintended consequences, especially for those who are prone to impulsive buying. This can lead to domestic conflict, serious financial turmoil, anxiety, and depression. Although it may start as an innocent mood booster, shopping therapy is a very slippery slope and can easily grow into an obsession that drains a person’s peace of mind and finances.
Tips to Help You When Seeking Financial Therapy
Retail therapy comes at a cost that is often not worth the rewards it promises. When not addressed properly, people who choose to practice shopping therapy may find themselves with a lot of property but without the happiness that was promised. During this period of the Coronavirus pandemic, many people are likely to find themselves seeking shopping therapy as a way to cope with these trying times. To help you avoid having any regrets later on, here are a few tips and tricks to help you keep your shopping on a leash.
1. Don’t Use Boredom as an Excuse to Shop
Due to COVID-19, many people may find themselves working from home or forced to go on leave and not have any work altogether. Given this newfound free time, many may resort to online shopping as a result of boredom. You should strive to avoid shopping just because of boredom since it can quickly turn into a habit and leave you in serious debt.
2. Track Your Spending
Given how disastrous the pandemic has been on virtually every sector in the entire world, a person may find themselves resorting to shopping therapy very often. This can make it quite hard to keep track of how much money a person sends and lead to extreme financial distress. For this reason, it’s quite important for a person to keep track of how much money they spend when shopping.
3. Be Wise When Making Purchases
Another important thing to remember when seeking shopping therapy is making sure that you shop wisely. Make sure that all purchases you make are beneficial to your home or workspace and add value to your life. It’s quite easy to lose track and make purchases that you don’t need; therefore, ensure you keep an eye out for redundant purchases.
4. Maintain A Healthy Shopping Culture
It’s also important to be on the lookout for any dangerous behaviors such as staying up late. You should also ensure that your shopping doesn’t get in the way of other important activities such as school or work.
5. Find Alternative Methods to Boost Your Mood
Although shopping therapy has proven to be quite effective and helpful, it’s not necessarily the best method for boosting a person’s mood. There are other techniques that people can use to make themselves more cheerful such as eating a healthy diet, keeping fit, and staying in touch with loved ones. In addition, there are far less costly ways a person can use to combat boredom, relieve anxiety, and deal with anxiety.
Final Remarks
Shopping therapy can be quite a rewarding exercise if conducted well. Even so, many adverse effects come with this form of stress removal. Even though shopping therapy can have a positive boost on a person’s mood, it can also be quite detrimental to their financial well-being and have long-lasting effects on their mental and emotional health.