A person is required to stay vigilant while getting involved in online transactions or making online payments. Frauds are on the rise these days, and online frauds are much more likely to see a historic rise. There was a research in 2016, which concluded that almost 70% of frauds related to credit card transactions are surprisingly transactions in which card is not present.
Scammers are very daring, and they seem to target both consumers and merchants. There was a time when only in one month, 52% of total online attacks were recorded. Hence, it is always recommended that people should carefully carry out their online transactions.

According to researchers, there is a major factor that leads to such frauds taking place, and it is the use of mobile payments. There are a few other factors, including data breaches, fraud influx of cards not present, manifold enhancement of the flow of money worldwide, etc.
With the rise of eCommerce shape, the number of frauds has also risen considerably. Different types take place include the takeover of an account, affiliate fraud, fraud of the merchant, identity fraud, reshipping, etc. For the latest updates on online payments keep following www.crypto-news-flash.com.
Ways to secure online payments

Let us run down through a few tips with which you can ensure secure online payments.
- Look for the vulnerabilities of security in your desktop- A few malware programs are believed to be designed so that they falsify the vulnerabilities of security in the operating system. They also affect the web browsers used, and then steal the financial data present or saved. A few tools are available online with which a user can check for such vulnerabilities and fix them. System Mechanic Security Optimizer will effectively detect such problems in the operating system and the web browser. It is crucial to keep the system and browser updated with the latest version.
- Dealing with reputed sites is recommended- Even if you are asked to do so, do not make the mistake of paying to a website online unless you are sure that it is 100% authentic. Authentic websites use modern security features in their processor, which is used to accept payments. It ensures that every customer’s confidential data is secure, and they will not go in the wrong hands. It would help if you stayed safe from the crooks present online and every suspicious website. Minimize the use of the card on every site, and do not use it unless it is very important.
- Using a secured connection only – Look for the secured websites and the ones that are not. Look for HTTPS:// and HTTP:// websites. The secure websites will have an S in their email address, which depicts that the website is secure and authentic.

A secured website is encrypted, and your information and other details are completely safe with them. Do not use HTTP: websites since they are not secure, and your information may get distributed. Therefore, you should always pay attention to where you are making a payment.
- Use Programs that have Advanced Anti-Malware- Such programs are specifically designed to prevent both unclassified and classified attacks that can impact a user’s details. It applies to your desktop and also on other devices that you use. Ensure that the anti-malware program is always updated in your system, or check the option of its auto-update is kept on. The antivirus program is robust, and it will efficiently detect all types of malware threats that are either mutated or newly created. The process is carried out even before the details are included in the database.
- Never use a public computer for online payments – Using a public computer is strictly prohibited. Never make the mistake of making an online payment from a system that is not yours. Until and unless you know the owner, or if several others use the system, you should not link your card to it. Use your mobile device or your computer to make payments online. Don’t use a desktop that is installed in internet cafes. The computer is just a device that is easily manipulated by human intelligence. You may lose all your money, so stay away from such threats.

- Do online shopping with your credit card – Credit cards are recommended for online shopping, and this is a crucial caution for all shoppers who have a habit of shopping things online. Use a credit card while shopping online, and restrain from using a debit card. There is a risk involved in using a debit card: your bank account is linked to it. The scammer cannot use a credit card for fraud because the debits card can be used. Since there is a limit on the credit card, the person cannot spend much. However, if your money is taken out of the debit card, it is impossible to get it back. Single-use credit cards are also introduced for all shopping freaks that are restricted to single-use only.
- Complex and strong passwords help – If you set an easy password for the online transaction’s approval, then anyone can crack it easily. Set a password that is hard to crack. Do not use passwords that are common or are related to you in any way. People generally have a habit of setting a related password, and therefore, they are conveniently cracked. Use a tough combination of special characters and alphanumeric. Also, please make it a bit longer, since the longer the password, the more difficult it is to crack. It should be of at least six digits.
If you lose your card or presume that your card has been misused by someone, immediately inform the concerned bank. If you think that it is stolen, instantly get the card blocked to prevent further damage. You should file a report as soon as possible, since the sooner you report, the better it is. You can apply for a new card after getting your old one blocked.