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According to many, birthdays are one of the most important events in one’s life, and although they occur every year, they are usually as important as weddings and other special days of this kind, since this kind of celebration’s purpose is to show someone how much you care about them and celebrate the day when they were born.

Birthdays are also important because they serve as a good reminder of how we’ve grown up, become mature, what we have accomplished so far, what kind of struggles we survived and challenges we overcame, and who we have now in our lives.

That being said, people usually use birthdays as milestones, and they are usually looking forward to all the changes that may happen, and they are more motivated to improve themselves in numerous ways. This is one of the psychological reasons behind the importance of birthdays in one’s life. And in the life of its friends and family, of course.

However, birthdays are not only about celebrating your success or being happy for what is there to come, they are also about something more superficial, but still utterly important. Do you know what we are talking about? You probably do – it’s the gifts! Bday gifts and presents people get for their birthday can really change their whole perspective on life. They are extremely important for everyone, so the amount of appreciation they get on this day, as well as the presents they get and the amount of love they receive, is something they usually remember for a whole lifetime. That being said, the most beautiful memories are being made on this day, and Bday presents are definitely a big part of the whole picture. At the same time, this is exactly the reason why birthday presents are so important in a relationship between friends, partners or family.

Logically, choosing the right one is essential for making someone happy for at least a couple of minutes if not for a lifetime (if the gift is fantastic!).

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However, choosing the right gift was never an easy job to do, especially nowadays, when everything is easy to get online and when people usually already have everything, so you can not ask them what they need and get them something useful. This is why picking gifts for someone’s birthday can easily become a nightmare, especially if you don’t know the person well. On the other hand, if you do know them, it is even more complicated because you know that the importance of your gift is even bigger, and your close friend, partner or relative expects a lot from you (and your gift!). Simply put, picking the right present is a challenging experience, but if you do succeed, you will be more than happy, and you will make someone happy too.

But how to know where to start? You can always go with the cliche things such as flowers and chocolate if a female is celebrating her birthday or with beverages if it’s a male. However, you know that this kind of gift is not so personal, and although the person you are gifting will be grateful, you can’t really expect it to be excited or astounded. On the other hand, if you really want to surprise them, you need to show your creativity and find a way to get a unique gift that no one else has, or you can try to find a gift that can be personalized so that the very person knows you were thinking exactly about them when you were purchasing (or making) it.

Some people will appreciate DIY presents more than the most expensive thing you can purchase, while others need to find some kind of appreciation in a gift that they can treasure forever, and that is valuable in money. When we combine those two, the best conclusion you can make is that the best option for a birthday gift is to make it both valuable and personalized at the same time (if you can put in a pinch or two of creativity, that would be awesome as well!).

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That being said, a piece of jewelry never goes out of style, especially if it’s simple, if it has a classic look or if it’s made of expensive materials.

But not all the jewelry pieces are the same. According to, personalized jewelry is the best jewelry. And we couldn’t agree more! Here are the top reasons why a personalized necklace is one of the most fantastic gifts you could get for your loved ones:

1. You Have To Be Creative

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When choosing a necklace, you can always go with someone’s name. Just remember the famous Carrie necklace from Sex and the City, and you will understand why so many girls wanted (and still want) to have the same one, with their name on it. It is classy and unique at the same time, and it is also great when you are first meeting with someone. You can be sure they will remember your name! But if you want to show your creativity, you can have it made in any shape, letter or sign you want to. This means that you can take any of your memories with that person and create a cute little personalized necklace out of it. Have you met your friend at the beach? You can make a necklace with a small waves sign, or a little golden sunshine. This way, the person will know that your bond is special because they got a creative present from you.

2. It’s Valuable

If you choose to go with a silver or a golden necklace, it will be both cute and valuable and you will provide your loved one or your friend with something that they can really treasure and that has a real money value, other than all the other values it can have for them. They will know that you have chosen to invest more because you find them special. Isn’t that what we all want?

3. It Looks Beautiful

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Who wouldn’t wanna wear a beautiful piece of jewelry around their neck? If you ask the vast majority of women, you will get the same answer – they would be more than happy to. When compared to other jewelry, such as bracelets, rings or earrings, a beautiful necklace will always win. Plus, it is close to one’s heart, and the person can feel like they’re close to you. Sounds good to us!