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Every year, homeowners face various challenges and issues that can lead to roof damage. Whether it is hail storms in the spring or winter ice dams, protecting your home’s roof is vital.

This guide will discuss how to prevent the most common causes of roof damage. You’ll be able to identify potential problems before they happen and reach out to a roofing company to fix them before they become expensive repairs.

1. Install Gutters To Prevent Water Damage

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Gutters and downspouts are designed to funnel water away from your home’s foundation, not towards it. This is important because the weight of excess rain can cause damage to walls or even a collapse if left unchecked.

When gutters direct water away from your roof, it extends the life of your shingles and roof by keeping them from absorbing the water. This can extend the life of your roof by up to five years.

Dumping the water from your gutters can be a little messy, but it is worth it when you consider how much money you will save on maintenance and repairs in the future. When looking for new gutters to buy, check to see if they have seamless, self-cleaning gutters. These will decrease the amount of cleaning that you’ll need to do on your roof and keep it looking like new for much longer periods than traditional gutters.

2. Clean The Roof Regularly And Replace Any Missing Shingles

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The best way to maintain your roof’s structural integrity is by cleaning it regularly and replacing any missing or damaged shingles. This will save on expensive repairs in the future.

If water begins leaking through because of a damaged shingle, this will not only cause damage to your home’s exterior, but it can also lead to mold and rot. If you notice there’s a whole greater than three inches in diameter, it may be time to replace your shingle. If water begins leaking through because of a damaged shingle, this will not only cause damage to your home’s exterior but can also lead to mold and rot.

3. Get Rid Of Leaves On Your Roof Before They Rot And Cause Leaks

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Leaves can cause rot and roof damage when they aren’t regularly gathered and removed. You can easily remove leaves by using a rake or blower. This also helps to prevent any water from pooling on the roof.

The benefits of removing leaves from your roof a couple of times a year are tremendous. You can prevent roof damage, increase the lifespan of your shingles and fascia boards, reduce the chance of water seepage into your home, improve air quality by reducing mold growth in gutters and around vents, and decrease energy costs to cool or heat your house by preventing leaks.

4. Inspect Your Chimney Annually For Cracks Or Signs Of Wear And Tear

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Another great way to prevent the most common causes of roof damage is by inspecting your chimney annually for cracks or signs of wear and tear. If you notice any issues with your chimney, act quickly to repair them before they become a larger problem.

Chimney slate tiles can loosen and start to slip, putting stress on the roofing materials that cover your chimney. Any water that’s collected in this area can also cause deterioration from ice dams or just regular exposure to moisture over time.

The mortar lining between chimney bricks can deteriorate, which allows water to seep in between the bricks and cause more significant damage over time.

Make sure that your chimney provides adequate venting support for your home’s heating system. If you don’t have an open space on top of your roof or a cap above it that helps release any heat that builds up, you’re increasing the risk of roof damage. Reach out to a roofing company like to inspect your chimney and make sure it isn’t contributing to home damage.

5. Make Sure Trees Near The House Are Trimmed Back

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In order to prevent roof damage, Make sure trees near the house are trimmed back so as not to overhang the roof. When tree branches are hanging over your home, it may damage the roof by dropping branches, sap, or leaves onto it.

A good rule of thumb is to keep tree limbs at least ten feet away from the roofline. If you have a lot of trees near your home, consider hiring an arborist for help in deciding which ones should be trimmed back and ensuring they’re properly trimmed with regular maintenance checks until all tree problems are resolved.

6. Replace Broken Tiles With New Ones

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Replace broken tiles with new ones – don’t try to patch them up yourself! The top of your roof is the most vulnerable to problems, so make sure you have a regular maintenance program in place. Hire professionals for routine inspections – this will help keep damage to a minimum by identifying leaks as soon as they happen and stopping them before they cause any major issues with water damage.

When renovating or building an addition onto your home, be sure that it doesn’t touch the edge of the existing roofline unless there are proper flashing details installed to prevent water seepage into the new construction. If you’re adding on or doing renovations without following these best practices then you’ll end up costing yourself more than if you were just replacing broken tiles!

7. Make Sure Your Roof And Attic Are Well Ventilated

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When a roof doesn’t have proper ventilation, it can suffer from significant damage. A poorly ventilated attic will grow mildew and mold and destroy your roof from the inside out. The Federal Housing Administration recommends that roofs with at least one foot of ventilation per 300 feet.

You can properly ventilate your roof by installing ridge vents, roof fans, and openable attic hatches. Ridge vents are installed on the roof for ventilation. Roof fans ventilate a home by pulling air from low areas of the house to high spots, like attic spaces. Openable attic hatches allow you to access your rafters and add insulation easily in cold weather months.

The roof is one of the most important parts of your home. It protects you and your family from rain, hail, snow, wind, sun damage, and even fire because it can shield heat in extreme weather conditions. If not properly maintained or taken care of by a professional company then these things might happen to your roof which can result in major damage that will cost thousands of dollars.

Now that you know how to prevent the most common causes of roof damage, you can rest assured that your home and family are safe from unforeseen emergencies